Why can i buy stuff my guests cant?
First I love SmugMug, but I hate that I can make a photobook & my guests cant or metal prints and so on. More I think about it a book would be hard because they would have to buy each book. So how about a section were I can sell my own stuff that I make.(if this is possible I'm sorry) I want to give my guests everything they want. Those prints that dont need frames & hang easily on the wall are freeeeekin sweet but they are just for me. Any advise or help would be great. Once again I love SmugMug & all the great products they offer. Hands down way better than everyone else & unlike everyone else you listen:thumb One mor gripe & I'm gone full lash site would make me buy a life time membership if their is one & my other half would quit looking at our checking account:wink Now Im done
You can sell Metal Prints (if you are a pro) to your customers now. Please write our Support Heroes and let us help you directly from the help desk. Thanks!
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