Password protected gallery problem - IE8

71sbeetle71sbeetle Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
edited January 18, 2010 in SmugMug Support
OK doing some testing on my website
First, I have a main custom domain name that is using the CNAME which is and then I have 2 extra domain names which I have to redirect to the main one since I can only put one option for domain name in the settings, the 2 extra ones are and

Now, I have a password protected gallery with vanity URL that we have no problems logging in from all 4 URLs (the 3 I posted above as well as my as long as we use Firefox. If we use IE8, we can only log in from the and the main custom domain, the 2 extra URLs do not work (I get the "cookies" error message even though cookies are enabled).

Is there a way to fix that on IE8, or is there a way to have more than one CNAME custom URL ?

Thanks in advance :)


  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited January 17, 2010
    You can only have one domain CNAMEd to SmugMug. Forwarding the others WITHOUT MASKING is the correct setup. Check to see if you have masking turned on as that can be the problem with this. I just checked your domain and it does not change to so I think masking is the problem. is what should appear if the forwarding is correct.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • 71sbeetle71sbeetle Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited January 17, 2010
    Not sure what you mean by masking, I am using for my domain name hosting, they do not have a masking option.
    What they do have is Frame Redirect or HTTP Redirect. I am currently using Frame redirect because if I use HTTP redirect, it will redirect me to the main URL however it will loose the vanity part, for example if I am on Frame redirect and I type it will redirect me to the correct gallery, if I am in HTTP redirect it will redirect me to my homepage using
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited January 18, 2010
    Ug... ok. Well, your setup is going to be very limited because of your use of 1and1. Simply put, there is not much I can do to help you with 1and1. They are my kryptonite. I can setup any other domain host in minutes. But I have not had much luck with the way they do things.

    Do not do a frame redirect. Use the http redirect.

    Masking is just a way to get the domain to stay in the URL. But because it keeps one of the secondary domains in the URL instead of allowing the primary CNAME to work, it causes fail. Frame redirects cause similar fail.

    Redirecting to a specific gallery or category is something that is outside of the custom domain setup. You can do it. But it is not officially supported. CNAMEs do not allow for that as it requires a Fully Qualified Hostname to work. When you try to go to a specific gallery or category, it will not be accepted by the domain host. So the HTTP redirect is the correct option.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • 71sbeetle71sbeetle Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited January 18, 2010
    the problem is with HTTP redirect I loose the vanity URL capability, whereas with Frame I do not.

    It's funny that with Firefox I have no problems, but IE8 won't work ... or I guess it should be expected, just another reason not to use IE I guess !
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited January 18, 2010
    I avoided saying it earlier but I will say it now. I would transfer the domain to a new host. I am not saying that it will solve your problems. Its just that with out full CNAME and A record control, there is not much else I can help you with on the domains.

    I am not sure what else to tell you. Frames almost always cause problems. But if it works for you....

    This is one of the reasons that multiple domains are not supported. There are so many caveats and gotchas with some domain hosts that we cannot possibly support them all.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • 71sbeetle71sbeetle Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited January 18, 2010
    so I suppose you would recommend godaddy ? I have godaddy for my address forgot about that one I will have to check
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited January 18, 2010
    I use GoDaddy for all of of my domains and I find them very easy to setup. I can setup a GoDaddy domain in under 5 minutes.

    We do have a reseller account with GoDaddy at but I don't want people to think that I am trying to sell anything. So I do not push that at all. I just want your domain to work. So going straight to GoDaddy is fine with me. I/we get nothing in return from GoDaddy if you go straight to them.

    Network Solutions, Joker, and a couple others are also pretty easy and work kind of the same way.
    SmugMug Support Hero
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