DSS #42 Going Political
Well more documenting those who do, today I went to Northeastern where Obama was speaking and supporters of the 2 campaigns in the MA senate race were out there:






Let me know thoughts on the images and if these need more contrast, I have a new monitor and have yet to calibrate it properly, thanks.
(These were some of the first shots I took so I have maybe 10-20 more to go through I'll probably post a few more here and the bulk in another thread if anyone is interested.)






Let me know thoughts on the images and if these need more contrast, I have a new monitor and have yet to calibrate it properly, thanks.
(These were some of the first shots I took so I have maybe 10-20 more to go through I'll probably post a few more here and the bulk in another thread if anyone is interested.)
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
#5 would be my pick.
Nice looking forward to seeing another perspective.
Would it be a bit much posting 32 shots in this thread? This has turned into a series
Thanks just posted the whole series there. There is something about the single Hasidic Jew photo which catches my eye, if he didn't have that sign it could have been 100 years ago from the feel of it. Then there is the facial expression on #12, just too much to take in currently.
I am still in the initial shock stage of making all this work so over the next few days the details will be sinking in.
#4 looks like a young George W Bush. Nice photos.
Very nice!
Of these 5, 9 or 11 would be my choice.
Unfortunately I think that a number of the others (eg 3, 7, 8 & 13) wouldn't pass the "not staged" requirement of the challenge as they appear to be posing for/playing to the camera.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
On this next one I like the content but the framing I am not sure on, some other sets of eyes commenting would help:
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Type 1 was the easiest to get (I know because it's most of what I got.) Type 2 done well shows history in the making, especially the Brown supporters. (Hard to beat Tewmom's, though.) Personally I like #10 with a LOT cropped off the top. I feel that shows a basically unreported aspect of the Brown supporters at this event. But that might be kind of an inside joke for people who actually attended and mingled a lot. Type 3 is very interesting but would be much better with signs in the background, best if there were signs for both candidates.
So? Force yourself to pick the best of each type. Decide what you want to say. Then you'll have it.