#42 - feedback request

i ran into the little league try-outs yesterday. i loved the girls, all girly-girl but serious about the game. i was sorry to sacrifice the pinks and pastels and happy colors they were wearing, but on this one image i think the BW treatment works. i love their faces. they're about to face the batting trial, and they're ready for it.
ready for battle
ready for battle

- Diana
- Diana
If you have a similar chance try getting low with the camera and angle up, instead of looking down on them they would appear larger than life going with your title.
thanks! i'll keep that in mind if i ever am in a similar situation. you're totally right, that angle would've made them even more impressive. maybe i'll just change the title?
- Diana
I suggest considering a square crop whereby you take off the left third or so. Now the emphasis is on the two closest girls with still some in the background, but without the one centered girl (which feels unbalanced for me without one on the left side).
you're right! i was somewhat attached to the other 2 girls because i have pics of them batting, but they're not key to this picture... but now i have different crops... decisions, decisions.
either way,THANKS!!!
- Diana
Nice image technically though and the conversion to B&W is nice.