black bellied Ducklings
I was surprised when I glanced down and saw this brood enter the water..last year at the wetlands there was one lone duckling left after the gators decided they were good lunch...
hopefully this year we will have a higher survival rate:
I could not get an accurate count ; but somewhere around 2 dozen..

Not sure what this guy is..anyone??
hopefully this year we will have a higher survival rate:
I could not get an accurate count ; but somewhere around 2 dozen..

Not sure what this guy is..anyone??

Cool ducklings. What a strange but trendy colour pattern they have
18-55mm, 28-105mm USM II, 50mm f/1.8, 400mm f/5.6
Thats great news. There probably will be more ducklings later as last year there was only one pair of ducks in the Wetlans. This year there are 6-8 pairs at least.
The second shot is a Least Bittern. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Down with gators! What purpose do they serve ecologically, they must be useful in some way, most things are.
I hope to get few better shots as time goes on. They truly surprised me!
Gators...they give me the creeps! I could live without them for sure!!!
Are you sure it was gators that decimated the last brood? I see lots of ducklings picked off by Night Herons out here :cry I sure hope the majority of the ones you shot make it to adulthood
They are so cute. I am not sure what ate most of them, but a gator was seen chomping we can only assume..