Snow in the Cotswolds (UK)
So this village (Winchcombe) is only a few miles away from where I live but I had fun taking the pics - we don't really get snow in the UK so to see this much was snow was great experience.
They are all straight out of my D90 with no post processing. Hope you like them... C&C welcome!




And a gratiutous shot of my Landy
They are all straight out of my D90 with no post processing. Hope you like them... C&C welcome!




And a gratiutous shot of my Landy

Jane B.
I'm such a n00b
Thanks Jane - is it working now?
Thanks Tom
And as for the snow in Blighty - it's been the most we've had in decades! Check out this satellite pic:
Thanks for those. I lived nearby (Blockley ) for 10 years until about 1 year ago. I always found the winter cold because of the dampness. thanks, guyH
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
Blockley is very nice - and you're right about the dampness. I've just been in Chamonix where the temperature was a lot lower but yet didn't feel anywhere near as cold!
Thanks - I like 1 in particular too, just can't put my finger on why...
As for the snow in Blighty - I think we did used to get a lot more snow than we have done of late... perhaps this global warming thing is just us returning to how we used to be