SB600 Issue

Went to use my SB-600 tonight and when I turned on the unit the display kept flashing. Tried 3 sets of batteries, tried a reset, no luck. The unit works fine but the flashing display is irritating. Has anyone had this problem or have a solution? Hate to have to send it in for an expensive repair.
Ray Larson
Nikon D80, D300, D700 all gripped, Nikkor 50 f1.8 Nikkor 18-200 VR Nikkor 70-200 VR f2.8 Nikkor 28-300 VR, Sigma 50-150 f2.8 Sigma 80-400 OS Sigma 150-500 OS Nikon SB600
Nikon D80, D300, D700 all gripped, Nikkor 50 f1.8 Nikkor 18-200 VR Nikkor 70-200 VR f2.8 Nikkor 28-300 VR, Sigma 50-150 f2.8 Sigma 80-400 OS Sigma 150-500 OS Nikon SB600
It appears a lot of people have this issue. It requires the replacement of the PCB board and runs $125-150 so if the flash continues to work and just the display flashes I will live with it since it was mentioned it can do it again after the repair. My unit is out of warrantee but was never used that heavily so I am disappointed in it. Nikon has no info what causes it or anything else. I have another I have been using as a spare so I will swap the 2 and go from there.
Nikon D80, D300, D700 all gripped, Nikkor 50 f1.8 Nikkor 18-200 VR Nikkor 70-200 VR f2.8 Nikkor 28-300 VR, Sigma 50-150 f2.8 Sigma 80-400 OS Sigma 150-500 OS Nikon SB600