Shared Gallery Link and Strange Behavior

I have shared a gallery by using the Share button. When you use that link, the title bar in IE and FF actually displays the long caption I have under the first image of the gallery. Here's that link.....
If you simply navigate to the gallery through my website, that does not happen but rather shows the gallery title as it is supposed to. Here is a link copied directly from the address bar while viewing the gallery normally.....
As you can see, the links are slightly different. Why is this happening and what can be done to correct it?
ETA: (after posting this, I guess there is a character limit on the links so they actually appear the same, however they are not if you notice when you hover)
If you simply navigate to the gallery through my website, that does not happen but rather shows the gallery title as it is supposed to. Here is a link copied directly from the address bar while viewing the gallery normally.....
As you can see, the links are slightly different. Why is this happening and what can be done to correct it?
ETA: (after posting this, I guess there is a character limit on the links so they actually appear the same, however they are not if you notice when you hover)
Interesting little side effect you found there. I'll kick it around the team and see if there's anything we can do about it. (edit to update: turns out we have a bug filed for part of this already.)
So here's what looks to be happening:
In the one case, the URL from the share link ends as such:
That breaks down as:
Now everything after the # is only used by the clients, they don't send that to the servers, but that's ok, it is redundant in this case anyway. So this url pattern is for a Traditional page view. And the server knows everything about this page, so it sets the correct page title in the html when it starts generating it. So your page gets a very unique title that hopefully is relevant to the main image on display. (This is great for SEO.)
The other URL you gave ends in:
which breaks down as:
but only the album information is passed over to our servers (the browser keeps everything after the # local) so when the page is first generated, we don't know what title to give it... we only know the gallery information, so that's all it gets.
In some viewing styles the dynamic client side code that updates the page to display the correct image (based on the #imageid_andkey info) also updates the title correctly. In some cases it doesn't. You can see this if you then page through the images in both cases... it fails to update the title as you move from image to image.