DSS 42 C&C please- next attempt

I shot these at the city park/lake. I haven't been able to actually shoot on the street yet.
These are about kids feeling independent.
Whatdaya think? Looking for C&C.
#1 I can do it myself

#2 We Are Big Girls Now
#3 All By Myself

These are about kids feeling independent.
Whatdaya think? Looking for C&C.
#1 I can do it myself

#2 We Are Big Girls Now

#3 All By Myself

When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
my impression is that the kids are too close to other people to illustrate the theme you say you're going for -- "independence", by themselves.
#2 & #3 work for me.
I don't think there are any obvious guardians in proximity to the kids in those unlike #1.
You might look at cropping #2 more square (just to the left of the hand on the rhs) to lose the person on the far right - they aren't adding anything and it makes the girls more of the focus.
On #3 you might want to see if playing with the contrast would give it more pop.
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Thanks everyone for the comments. Very helpful.
AndMan, I worked your crop suggestion on #2 and brightened up #3. Do you think that improves either of them?
I do plan to shoot some this weekend. Comments on what I have here will help me develop my eye for this type of shot.
Here are the re-worked images:
#2 We are big girls now
#3 All by myself
brightened and more contrast
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
I just got an idea
For the cropped image of the 2 little girls, I think you can change the title to:
"Not too small for a big world"
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