Mac OS

If you use a Mac for your photo stuff, please tell me
How do you work with smugmug?
Do you use the web based uploaders?
Do you just upload and use iphoto/aperture/lightroom/other? (More interested in yes/no that specifics)
Do you use a windows machine and some other tool (Star Explorer for example)
If you use a Mac for your photo stuff, please tell me
How do you work with smugmug?
Do you use the web based uploaders?
Do you just upload and use iphoto/aperture/lightroom/other? (More interested in yes/no that specifics)
Do you use a windows machine and some other tool (Star Explorer for example)
I use Aperture, export in full size and then use MacDaddy to upload.
My experience is that the various plugins for iPhoto and Aperture doesn't work that well.
I have no reason for using a Windows machine.
Jan Erik Moström
I use Lightroom 2 and the Jeffrey Friedl plug-in. Exact same as when I use a Windows system.
Also, I still use MacDaddy to upload a lot of files.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Do you have a url for this product?
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Very nice little app... thanks a lot.
For the record, I currently (on my mac) use MacDaddy and think it's an excellent app and recommend using it.