Been asked for a photo

I almost never visit my old pbase gallery, usually when I have a couple of free minutes I go over and delete photos. Well, went over just now and had a message from tribeca software looking for permission to use a photo of mine in their presentation material for their new photo editing software, in exchange for credit and a copy of the software. I know that this is not the norm re: payment, but it is a pretty cool offer. Asked him to email me for further discussion. Will see where it goes. I'm counting this as my good thing for th day - it's been a brutal day otherwise!
But that's great news about your photo for the software presentation material! Hey, at least they asked!!!!!
Be waiting to hear the outcome.
ann: these guys have $$ trust me - they're an up and coming silicon alley software firm here in ny - don't give it away! quote them a fee.
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thanks Dee and andy! Will see if I do hear anything.
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good luck in the negotiations!
Got a response from the company today. They want the photo to demonstrate what their editing software can do - they say that the greens in this photo are showing as very similar to one another and that their software will help accentuate the differences.
Well, I am just not sure how I feel about that. First, to my eye, on my monitor and in prints, the greens stand out from each other very well. That was the point of the photo, after all.
Second, I am not really comfortable with someone else editing my photo, and accessing it, etc, all for a copy of their software (described as a photoshop plug in). and I use PSP to boot!
So, anyway, I'm going to take some time to think about this.
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
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[Bodies] Canon EOS 20D - Canon EOS 500
[Lenses] Sigma APO 70-200 f/2.8 - Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 - Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 - Tamron XR Di 28-75mm f/2.8 - Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
[Flash] Sigma EF500 Super DG Flash
[Tripod] Manfrotto 055 Pro Black
[Head] 484RC2, 200RC2
I feel compelled to give him some kind of answer, just not really sure - 50 copies to edit to use to sell his editing software - its gotta be worth something more than software, right?
Had another message on pbase from someone wanting to use my only egret shot (and its not of the egret fest quality either) in a birding organization publication. Now that is a different story - NFP and all.
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