DSS #42 Am I even close?
Due to a little bug stopping by for a visit, I have not been able to get out and take photos until today. One of the things that make all the running for my kids worth while is watching all the kids as they get out of school....here are a few shots from today. Can you tell me if they are on the right track?
Inspiration is everywhere you look.......
Beauty is in the smallest details..........
Love is a blessing..............................
My camera is my soul to the world.....
Olympus E-620
Inspiration is everywhere you look.......
Beauty is in the smallest details..........
Love is a blessing..............................
My camera is my soul to the world.....
Olympus E-620
The pictures won't load....any suggestions???/
Inspiration is everywhere you look.......
Beauty is in the smallest details..........
Love is a blessing..............................
My camera is my soul to the world.....
Olympus E-620
I am trying to load them directly from the computer. I don't do well with links and links don't do well with me
Inspiration is everywhere you look.......
Beauty is in the smallest details..........
Love is a blessing..............................
My camera is my soul to the world.....
Olympus E-620