Best blog address?

I've used my blog ( only occasionally but plan to start using it more - my question is regarding the best address/domain to use for the blog. Please ignore the lack of content and design I have there currently - it's under construction.
Ideally I'd probably prefer to use "" but with my CNAME for my domain pointing to smugmug I can't do that. So, I've been using the "blog" subdomain which works well. A while ago I registered the domain "" and have considered using that to host my blog as it's more interesting and personal than the blog subdomain. My concern is that using a different domain extension would result in confusion. The lack of awareness regarding domain extensions other than .com is also a concern. Thoughts?
Note - my site serves as both my personal/artistic portfolio and my business site. As my full-time job is, well, more than full-time :huh , photography is often more of a hobby than anything. I mention this as I intend to use my blog for more than just entries related to the commercial side of my photography.
Thoughts? :dunno

Note - my site serves as both my personal/artistic portfolio and my business site. As my full-time job is, well, more than full-time :huh , photography is often more of a hobby than anything. I mention this as I intend to use my blog for more than just entries related to the commercial side of my photography.
Thoughts? :dunno
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I'm not quite sure I understand what you're suggesting... I may not have been very clear about my current domain setup -- I WANT to keep my main domain ( as my smugmug domain. This requires I have my CNAME pointed to smugmug. As far as I know I can't host subfolders (ie on a different server than the one where the CNAME is pointing. With a subdomain ( I can create an A Record to direct the blog subdomain to a different server where my blog is hosted (what I'm doing now without any problems).
My question was simply what people thought about using use vs for my personal/photo blog (given that I'll continue to use for my smugmug gallery)
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