All are excellent shots. And all are different approaches, as you note.
#1 is excellent "ambience" shot. I actually like how he is staring out of the frame as he looks lost in thought or just passively observing the everyday happenings in his, but out of our, field of view.
#2 is intriguing. An excellent subject whose thoughts are hidden, but active. It looks like he is observing happenings outside the window, but the reflections just give a hint that others are out there that he might be watching. And I cannot be certain what is reflected across his forehead: a bow? a car (of bamboo!?). And that looks like a CFL bulb at the top.
#3 is a wonderful people shot. The more I look at it, the more it seems as if the girl is the subject. Assumption is that they know each other, but it does not have to be so. What catches me off guard is their clothing. It looks very modern and fashionable.
For the contest, I recommend #2. #1 does not offer more after the first glance. #3 does not offer a context of the environment.
#3 was a fun shot to take. I think I'll probably go with it. I like the other two, but I'm not sure they will stand out from the crowd. At least this is distinct.
bfjr: thanks for the comment
rainbow: very much appreciate your thoughts
rutt: What comes after wow+ ?
#3 was a fun shot to take. I think I'll probably go with it. I like the other two, but I'm not sure they will stand out from the crowd. At least this is distinct.
bfjr: thanks for the comment
rainbow: very much appreciate your thoughts
rutt: What comes after wow+ ?
Oh man I do so like #3, but my absolute favorite is #1! I think anyone that sees that shot can come up with their own story for it--a break, seeking solace, alone, observing something outside the shot but what?-awesome comp too.
#1 is also really beautiful. I'm not sure it will work as well for a dgrin challenge as #3, which says more about the challenges than about these two pictures.
Oh man I do so like #3, but my absolute favorite is #1! I think anyone that sees that shot can come up with their own story for it--a break, seeking solace, alone, observing something outside the shot but what?-awesome comp too.
I think for the theme the best ones in order are 2,1,3
Now I'm conflicted. I put #3 in the gallery last night before bed and I wake up to see this. Liz, thanks for letting me know what comes after wow+. Pyroprints, do you feel they are all equally strong images or is #2 your fav? I'm willing to take a chance on not hitting the theme dead-on to have the strongest image in the comp.
I have a day at work to contemplate changing my choice. Thanks for your feedback.
My Galleries
#1 is excellent "ambience" shot. I actually like how he is staring out of the frame as he looks lost in thought or just passively observing the everyday happenings in his, but out of our, field of view.
#2 is intriguing. An excellent subject whose thoughts are hidden, but active. It looks like he is observing happenings outside the window, but the reflections just give a hint that others are out there that he might be watching. And I cannot be certain what is reflected across his forehead: a bow? a car (of bamboo!?). And that looks like a CFL bulb at the top.
#3 is a wonderful people shot. The more I look at it, the more it seems as if the girl is the subject. Assumption is that they know each other, but it does not have to be so. What catches me off guard is their clothing. It looks very modern and fashionable.
For the contest, I recommend #2. #1 does not offer more after the first glance. #3 does not offer a context of the environment.
bfjr: thanks for the comment
rainbow: very much appreciate your thoughts
rutt: What comes after wow+ ?
Oh man I do so like #3, but my absolute favorite is #1!
It's wow + infinity plus 1 (well you asked:D ).
#1 is also really beautiful. I'm not sure it will work as well for a dgrin challenge as #3, which says more about the challenges than about these two pictures. The Photo Section
Now I'm conflicted. I put #3 in the gallery last night before bed and I wake up to see this.
I have a day at work to contemplate changing my choice. Thanks for your feedback.