WTB: Zuiko f/2 14-35 for Oly E-3, but ...

Just can't see paying advertised price of prox us$1,800 . Won't brag to anyone if can get it for significantly less, just between me and whomever. Uncertainty enters into this, could be left with an expensive paperweight if doesn't fit what I have in mind, won't know till I use it. I've considered renting, but Oly isn't Canon/Nikon, can't find this lens just anywhere, and renting also is costly on top of other costs of envisioned shoots. Not fishing for sympathy, just a few hundred knocked off and a quick sale. Who knows, maybe like iTunes, drop the price and sell a lot more copies.
See my work at http://www.flickr.com/photos/26525400@N04/sets/. Policy is to initially upload 10-20 images from each shoot, then a few from various of the in-process shoots each time I log on, until a shoot is completely uploaded.