Need option to assign an album to multiple category/subcategory
Hi dgrim:
We now have the long waited option to create virtual gallery. This is great if we want all photos to be seen in a single gallery. What about the possibility to assign a gallery to multiple category/subcategories? This would allow us to keep the gallery photos separapated and still viewable in a different category/sub-category structure.
A good example is to be able to create a virtual Category/Subcategory that will contain galleries for a specific year (considering that all your categories are currently organized by a topicd instead of Year).
In my example I will have five categories:
1. Vacation
2. Birthday
3. Sports
4. Videos
5. Photos by Year (Virtual category)
Within the Category "photos by Year" I will create a sub-category for each Year as "Year 2007", "Year 2008", "Year 2009"...
Then I will assign my galleries that are currently under the category Vacation, Birthday, Sport, and Videos to the corresponding Virtual category/sub-category based on the Year.
I created this request in and we will need more votes! Please check it out under the title "Need option to assign an album to multiple category/subcategory ".
We now have the long waited option to create virtual gallery. This is great if we want all photos to be seen in a single gallery. What about the possibility to assign a gallery to multiple category/subcategories? This would allow us to keep the gallery photos separapated and still viewable in a different category/sub-category structure.
A good example is to be able to create a virtual Category/Subcategory that will contain galleries for a specific year (considering that all your categories are currently organized by a topicd instead of Year).
In my example I will have five categories:
1. Vacation
2. Birthday
3. Sports
4. Videos
5. Photos by Year (Virtual category)
Within the Category "photos by Year" I will create a sub-category for each Year as "Year 2007", "Year 2008", "Year 2009"...
Then I will assign my galleries that are currently under the category Vacation, Birthday, Sport, and Videos to the corresponding Virtual category/sub-category based on the Year.
I created this request in and we will need more votes! Please check it out under the title "Need option to assign an album to multiple category/subcategory ".
I don't want to make promises we can't fulfill, but this is on our radar and we would like to do it. There are some interesting technical limitations that we'll need to work out though.
Hi Sheaf:
Thanks for your reply. I am looking forward to have this feature in the future. In the meantime I created a single Index Page ( to list all my galleries sorted by Year. Is there a way I can create this list in a more efficient way by reading the list of galleries instead of manually maintaining it?
Try SmugDump or SmugRoom Tools
I looked at your page and see what you are trying to do. Note that your page does not work in Firefox (clicking on the year links does nothing). I had to view your page with Internet Explorer to see how each year expands.
The "Indented List with Links" format of SmugRoom Gallery List ( does almost exactly what you are trying to accomplish, however it goes one step further and sorts the gallery list by Category/Sub-Category/Gallery Name.
I'm the author of SmugRoom Gallery List and I could add an option to only sort by gallery name if that would be useful to you.
Also try to see what the same gallery list would look like with the expanding/collapsing ability added via mktree (
Thanks for all the hints. I am wondering if there is a way I can pass some default values and skip the selection screen to display the gallery-list using It would be nice if only the Menu would be the seen as I am planning to use it instead of my Index.
I love the Tree Menu and it would be great if we can built an additional Dynamic "Sub-Category" called Gallery KeyWords (at least the first word if more than one is found) and we will have all galleries shown there based on the Gallery Keyword. Then we will achieve a great option to list my galleries by Year as I use the Year as a Gallery Keyword.
This will make the tool more flexible and enable me to add it in the webpage for all my viewers. For now I am adding a link to this tool in an extra link called INDEX-TEST
It's not meant to be plugged into your site. Doing so would cause a huge strain on resources if the index had to be dynamically regenerated every time someone viewed your index page plus since the index is not constantly changing that wouldn't make much sense anyway. Instead, it would be better to just manually regenerate the index after you have added a new gallery.
Interesting idea. I will think about it a bit.
Thanks for the comments.