Light Reflectors

Is it worth spending the extra money for a name brand reflector like a Photoflex. Or just save the dough and get a Hong Kong special off ebay. :dunno
The point is to reflect the light. I can see both doing the job. But is there a difference in quality of construction and materials? The Hong Kong specials all seem to have 5 color changeable reflectors. The Photoflex is 2 sided. I like the 2 sided feature. It will be smaller lighter and less messing around. But there is also benefit to more colors of the cheapo version too.
The point is to reflect the light. I can see both doing the job. But is there a difference in quality of construction and materials? The Hong Kong specials all seem to have 5 color changeable reflectors. The Photoflex is 2 sided. I like the 2 sided feature. It will be smaller lighter and less messing around. But there is also benefit to more colors of the cheapo version too.
If the reflectors are a solid color, white, gold,, they are pretty much the same, as far as I have found, there are speciality refelctors with mixed colors, and refoective designs, but I have yet to buy and use as I have had no reason too.....I try and find deals on reflectors.... Locally and B & H has had some really good ones at times - 32" round 5 N 1 collapsable Chameleon sets....when I buy reflectors, like a lot of photo items, I buy 2 sets.....invariably when you need to use a white one you actually need 2 and they are not that expensive......mine, I got locally and paid $30 per set......
Art, thanks for the input. I just ordered a few sizes of Lastolite reflectors from B&H. Pictureline only had 1 brand that was on the pricey side. I like the quality of the little Lastolite white balace thing I have so I stuck with the brand.
For sizes I went with a 38", 20", and 12". I went with white and sunfire combo on the 38 & 20. The sunfire is a more mellow gold. Then went with a silver gold combo on the 12".
I am looking at these because I am going on a trip to Kauai in the near future and see these being great for some shots on the beach. And using the small one to bounce some light on flowers and other small things.