Use my SmugMug Galleries in my web site
Is it possible to display my SM galleries on my external web site? I would like to add/edit my gallery photos and have those changes reflected on my web site. My gallery needs are simple, just one gallery with about 20-30 albums of 10-30 pics each which change almost daily. I may want to pull photo names and descriptions with the photos but nothing else. No shopping carts, ratings or other functionality. Slideshow would be a nice OPTION but the basic gallery is way more important. Any viewer options like x2 x3 etc would also be a benefit but not a must.
Is this possible and can someone point me in the right direction?
I know I can get a Pro account and use SM to host my site but the site has a lot of time into it already and I don't wish to try and recreate it (or even if it is possible).
Any help appreciated,
Is this possible and can someone point me in the right direction?
I know I can get a Pro account and use SM to host my site but the site has a lot of time into it already and I don't wish to try and recreate it (or even if it is possible).
Any help appreciated,
BUT - unless you're going to be embedding a flash badge or slideshow, you're going to need to know some coding. I do my site in PHP, and I just pull the RSS feeds for my galleries, keywords, etc., and parse out the images. There are other PHP wrappers for Smug (I think one is called SmugPHP? Or PHPSmug?) that you can use.
If you don't use PHP, but some other language, you can still accomplish the same thing, you'll just have to figure out how to either parse RSS feeds, or communicate to the SM API. (RSS, for me, was easier.)
Not sure if that helps or not, but it is what springs to mind first, having done something similar already.
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Note: I won't be offended if you edit my photo and repost it on dgrin -- I'm always open to new interpretations
and ideas, and any helpful hints, tips, and/or critiques are welcome. Just don't post the edit anywhere else
but dgrin, please.
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