Community College

The local community college asked me to shoot some promotional photos for advertising and head shots of the director.
This is what we came up with.


3 a & b.
Here is the director of the college. He was super cute. First, he told me that he hates having his photo taken. He said that his wife dragged him to Sears for a photo, and the photographer kept telling him to smile, and he answered that he "was smiling... this is my smile!" I didn't have any trouble getting a good expression.... But then again, I tease a LOT.
This is just a plain wall actually in a large closet.. I set up 1 brolly to camera right, and one hairlight to camera left , behind the subject. Not too shabby for on the fly. Before anyone comments on the crop... there is room for all aspect ratios. My goal.

But THIS is my favorite photo of the day. I doubt they will use it for promotion... But I almost want to frame it. I LOVE it.

Then I asked if we could do an environmental portrait in his office...
where he told me the greatest story. He told me that when he first became director, he had gone to a conference and met up with another director. The other director gave him some advice: "It is important for a college director to have both grey hair and hemroids. The grey hair... so that you look experienced... and the hemroids... so you look concerned."
Cracks... me... up!
I love it that I feel like I nailed this guy... what his personality really is. Not just stuffy headshots.

And then we toodled around and got some more photos like this:

Nothing spectacular.. but these were unprepared kids... that I snagged out of the halls. No special makeup or clothes. I think next time I will arrange for some kids I know to be prepared and better dressed... and not in such a hurry to get to class.
It is amazing to me how young all the kids looked.
C & C welcome. :thumb
This is what we came up with.


3 a & b.
Here is the director of the college. He was super cute. First, he told me that he hates having his photo taken. He said that his wife dragged him to Sears for a photo, and the photographer kept telling him to smile, and he answered that he "was smiling... this is my smile!" I didn't have any trouble getting a good expression.... But then again, I tease a LOT.
This is just a plain wall actually in a large closet.. I set up 1 brolly to camera right, and one hairlight to camera left , behind the subject. Not too shabby for on the fly. Before anyone comments on the crop... there is room for all aspect ratios. My goal.

But THIS is my favorite photo of the day. I doubt they will use it for promotion... But I almost want to frame it. I LOVE it.

Then I asked if we could do an environmental portrait in his office...
where he told me the greatest story. He told me that when he first became director, he had gone to a conference and met up with another director. The other director gave him some advice: "It is important for a college director to have both grey hair and hemroids. The grey hair... so that you look experienced... and the hemroids... so you look concerned."
Cracks... me... up!
I love it that I feel like I nailed this guy... what his personality really is. Not just stuffy headshots.

And then we toodled around and got some more photos like this:

Nothing spectacular.. but these were unprepared kids... that I snagged out of the halls. No special makeup or clothes. I think next time I will arrange for some kids I know to be prepared and better dressed... and not in such a hurry to get to class.
It is amazing to me how young all the kids looked.
C & C welcome. :thumb
Awesome set Heather! Well executed concepts & nice processing
These are great shots. I can totally see them in a college brochure. Very well done. The Director seems like a really cool cat. Not what you'd expect from a guy in this type of role.
I think that using the kids in their natural state gives the pictures an authentic feel. Kids looking at the brochure while considering the college would be able to relate to them better, unlike if you used some prom king/queen looking kids that came out of some catalog.
AND I do agree that college age kids look so young. I just turned 39 last week and it makes me feel even older when I confuse 21 year olds for 16.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
yay! some fun pics!:D
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
So now you've started the highend photography booth business. You can transform closets in to very nice mini-studios!
Agree with the natural clothing. Sometimes it will be totally inappropriate, but getting them off their guard (I believe) yields better results.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
I think the first two with the facilitator, are quite nice, esp. #1.
I never wore jeans to college ( ok, finally talked into wearing them to Chem lab), but that is what all the kids wear, so I wonder how dressing them up would all looks very appropriate to me. Maybe a visit to the drama class would find you some very willing creatures~or at least folks who can work a stage, however small, yet these look splendid!~:D