Sharing on facebook issue
Hello. Ok afew questions and problems. I have a photo in a password protected gallery that I want to share. If I click the share button and choose be social and choose face book then on my face book wall it posts just a link and no thumbnail of the photo. If I click the link the. A password for the gallary is needed which I don't want to give as they can then see all the photos in that gallary
so instead I click the share button and choose links. I copy the medium link which copies to my clipboard and then on my facebook wall I choose new link and paste it. However the thumbnail shows the photo but it's small but when I click it nothing happens (I'm using an iPhone) but just a blank page. Though sometimes it will show a larger image. If under the links section I choose to copy the large or xtra large link then when I paste this link to my fb wall it shows nothing.
I've tried pasting the xtra large link into a new window on my pc and I get a blank page.
So help. I'm wanting to share a photo from a passworded gallery on my fb wall what is the best way?
so instead I click the share button and choose links. I copy the medium link which copies to my clipboard and then on my facebook wall I choose new link and paste it. However the thumbnail shows the photo but it's small but when I click it nothing happens (I'm using an iPhone) but just a blank page. Though sometimes it will show a larger image. If under the links section I choose to copy the large or xtra large link then when I paste this link to my fb wall it shows nothing.
I've tried pasting the xtra large link into a new window on my pc and I get a blank page.
So help. I'm wanting to share a photo from a passworded gallery on my fb wall what is the best way?
I do not like this as it posts to your personal page and not the Biz page if you have one. Not sure which u r posting to. Any ideas on posting like this to a biz page and not personal?
I know but doesn't really help me.
When I choose a large link in the share/get links bit - when I paste this link into my browswer it doesn't work? so defo not just on my iphone!
Please help - I want to promote my site on facebook etc!
the large links seem to be working now?
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Would it be better than when you click share/be social and choose face book it actually put a thumbnail of the photo on your wall (like when I "get link - medium" and paste the link on my wall) instead of just a link?
Any thoughts on this or am I doing something the wrong way?