API Feature Requests

Now that I have finished the SmugMug Roku channel, I would like to make a few requests for a future release of the API. Here they are in no particular order:
- API access to content on the http://smugmug.com/browse page. Specifically, popular photos, popular keywords, categories, keyword search, and full search. Hacking up public RSS feeds is much slower than API calls. There is also no way to get current popular keywords.
- Paging - I know it is on your list but it would be great to page the results, especially the images.get results
- Random Images - A method to get random images from a album and across all albums.
In this case #1 relies on #2, but both are planned for API 1.2.3...or at least to start work on them.
#3, I've actually had the following on a branch of api version 1.2.3 where I have been playing with a few ideas..
I'm thinking I might put this code into 1.2.2, since it shouldn't really impact anyone already using it.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos