Oh, and I forgot to congratulate your wife for surviving to 40...tell her, it only gets better, and beats the Hell outta the alternative!:D Besides, now she has a new career and stage~
The first two with the water are very nicely done and thought out~ Though I think the blue thing(?) could stand to go~
the latter two are interesting and I wonder if they'd work with a different processing, perhaps B&W
numba 2: My fav~
Thanks Tom,
I think the bath 2 pic is my fave too... My wife liked the bath sponge (aka blue thing ) because it made it more obvious that she was just taking a bath vs posing for pics (mostly true.. ) I have one more from that same set that I like a lot too... also I tried the same 3 other pics in B&W... I like them that way too...
Nice change on the B&W, but they do need more light, for me. I will say, it totally changed them, and I like the difference..I prefer ambient 2~ Sweet image~
I don't think the sponge made it look as if she were bathing..I couldn't figure out what it was/ or doing, and for me, just the context of water combined with skin, spoke volumes. bath 3...you put that back up just for me:D..I like it!
If she'd like to look as if she's taking a bath, dependent on her preferred style, She might try a bubble bath in a nice tub, or my pref would be a large old style metal wash basin, sitting in the middle of a sparse room, with her immersed or emerging, sponging a shoulder or some such~ the first would look nice in color, the pref in B&W~
I like the first two ... I agree that #1 could be cropped a bit different to minimize the sponge.. only other thing I personally would have liked to see is that the nipple in both pictures be in focus, they are out of focus, the depth of field is great but the subject (the nipple) is just outside the foucs area. But other wise good job on your first Nudes!
Darren Troy CRegistered UsersPosts: 1,927Major grins
edited February 4, 2010
In order from first image to last.
Bath I:
Love the depth of field on this one. However, what throws me a bit is the objects in the BG (something red and dark blue) and body position. It leaves me wondering a bit about how she's laying. That's pure A.D.D kicking in, trust me. I'm thinking this was shot over left shoulder...left leg in BG, left shoulder in FG? The focus here was on the water drops just below the nipple. I think in this image it works well!
Bath II:
Again a focus issue here. I actually like it so my comments here will be directed towards if you were trying to make the nipple the main subject. The AF or Manual point of focus is on the water drop just below the nipple. I really like the bokeh on the falling water drops!
Amibient Light I:
Silky smooth lighting...I like this one.
Ambient Light II:
Lighting is super cool. I would have shot for a different crop. Maybe a bit of neck and a bit more legs, as well. That, however, is personal choice and subjective advice only.
Ambient Light III:
Again, I am one who craves good bokeh and you have it here. Even with the OOF left-side, I personally think it makes this one more interesting.
Bath III:
Really like this one BUT going to go back on what I said before. This time, with the action of the water I would have preferred the focus on the nipple be lazer-sharp. Either way, one of my favorites.
B&W Ambient II and III:
REALLY like these with the conversions! Nice!
Thanks for the helpful input guys! I agree with everybody on the ambient pics looking better in b&w, although I just looked at this post from my desktop (which is not used very often), and everything looks different on it. On my laptop her skin looks soft and natural in color, but on the desktop it's rather orange. Also on the desktop the b&w pics do come across much darker, so I can see where Tom was coming from wanting more light. The little bit of editing I did (some sharpening and adjusting contrast and saturation) was done on my laptop, so I'm not sure which monitor is closer to accurate... With the focus issue on the bath pics, I was shooting in burst mode and was so caught up in trying to catch the water that I guess I neglected to really choose the focal point. Still very new to this....lots to remember... Guess I'll just have to tell her I need to practice some more... Next hurdle: photoshop....
Darren Troy CRegistered UsersPosts: 1,927Major grins
I like #1 a lot except that the sponge, when I first viewed it, appeared to be some sort of icy blue object as if the shot was outdoors in winter. Good luck with getting your wife to agree to that pose concept! If she'd have used a natural sponge with a bit more sponge detail shown and just a bit more arm in the shot I think the shot might have worked even better.
I like the conversions to B&W better than the original shots, maybe it's just me but I think the shapes of the human body and skin are shown off better in B&W.
As for turning 40...piffle! As long as she is doing what she likes to do and enjoying life with the people she cares about then age is irrelevant. No reason not to stuff as much life into the second 40 years as we do the first 40 years.
the latter two are interesting and I wonder if they'd work with a different processing, perhaps B&W
numba 2: My fav~
I think the bath 2 pic is my fave too... My wife liked the bath sponge (aka blue thing
Bath 3
Ambient 1
Ambient 2
Ambient 3
I don't think the sponge made it look as if she were bathing..I couldn't figure out what it was/ or doing, and for me, just the context of water combined with skin, spoke volumes. bath 3...you put that back up just for me:D..I like it!
If she'd like to look as if she's taking a bath, dependent on her preferred style, She might try a bubble bath in a nice tub, or my pref would be a large old style metal wash basin, sitting in the middle of a sparse room, with her immersed or emerging, sponging a shoulder or some such~ the first would look nice in color, the pref in B&W~
cool stuff!
Bath I:
Love the depth of field on this one. However, what throws me a bit is the objects in the BG (something red and dark blue) and body position. It leaves me wondering a bit about how she's laying. That's pure A.D.D kicking in, trust me. I'm thinking this was shot over left shoulder...left leg in BG, left shoulder in FG? The focus here was on the water drops just below the nipple. I think in this image it works well!
Bath II:
Again a focus issue here. I actually like it so my comments here will be directed towards if you were trying to make the nipple the main subject. The AF or Manual point of focus is on the water drop just below the nipple. I really like the bokeh on the falling water drops!
Amibient Light I:
Silky smooth lighting...I like this one.
Ambient Light II:
Lighting is super cool. I would have shot for a different crop. Maybe a bit of neck and a bit more legs, as well. That, however, is personal choice and subjective advice only.
Ambient Light III:
Again, I am one who craves good bokeh and you have it here. Even with the OOF left-side, I personally think it makes this one more interesting.
Bath III:
Really like this one BUT going to go back on what I said before. This time, with the action of the water I would have preferred the focus on the nipple be lazer-sharp. Either way, one of my favorites.
B&W Ambient II and III:
REALLY like these with the conversions! Nice!
I like the conversions to B&W better than the original shots, maybe it's just me but I think the shapes of the human body and skin are shown off better in B&W.
As for turning 40...piffle! As long as she is doing what she likes to do and enjoying life with the people she cares about then age is irrelevant. No reason not to stuff as much life into the second 40 years as we do the first 40 years.
My B&W Photos
Motorcycles in B&W