#43 Comments? Suggestions? Theme Worthy?

Comments on this? Theme worthy? I really like the detail, however, I'm kind of stuck on the right cropping (if I'm even going to use this). It's a pan of 15 shots at 210mm.
Suggestions? Or scrap it and move on...
HDR (I know, I like interesting pp)


Suggestions? Or scrap it and move on...
HDR (I know, I like interesting pp)



Brian Friedman
I really like the PP in #1, but there is so much to look at it might work against you.
I really like #3 also. It's somewhat abstract though, so it will work for some and not for others.
Great shots.
In the first, the scaling/location makes it look like the whole thing might be small (i.e. nothing seems to indicate the scale).
Where are you taking the picture from? (Also, in Seattle, I've taken some cool pictures using my widest angle lens while inside the climbing wall structure, but always wondered how to take a picture of it from outside that includes everything).
I much prefer the non HDR version, but I only think HDR works if there's really something interesting in the entire dynamic range. Otherwise it just creates clutter.
Anyway, could you set it up for an even longer single exposure? I wonder whether that would help clarify things a little more.
I'm mixed about the comments on the sign and about someone climbing... if you have a climber + long exposure, then I don't think it would come out that great, but it might help some people figure out what they're looking at if you don't do a long exposure. The sign seems distracting to me... there's a lot going on, a ton of tiny details, and then a giant block sign with thick white letters... doesn't really jive with the rest of the image for me.
The nice thing about the HDR, though, is that you can see what's going on in the office windows to the left of the tower, which creates an interesting detail. Whether that's too much detail and just distracting instead... I'm not sure. I guess it depends what you're going for.
Wow, I'm not sure that my post is actually helpful at all, more like rambling.
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