Challenge 43--"Window to Imagination"

Hi all,
Been really busy, but I'm glad I was able to shoot some tonight--I checked the other threads and gallery and I don't think I saw this take on the theme yet.
Theme worthy?
I will definately re-shoot if worth pursuing. Any tips on re-shoot.
I will lower the ISO, more focus on the windows/doors or on my girl?
Thanks for looking--C&C wanted.
Does the title work for you?


Been really busy, but I'm glad I was able to shoot some tonight--I checked the other threads and gallery and I don't think I saw this take on the theme yet.
Theme worthy?
I will definately re-shoot if worth pursuing. Any tips on re-shoot.
I will lower the ISO, more focus on the windows/doors or on my girl?
Thanks for looking--C&C wanted.
Does the title work for you?



Liz A.
I think if you can get the focus on the doorway so that's it's crisp, this image would be great!
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
I will reshoot this weekend and concentrate on getting the door as crisp as possible while still trying to maintain my daughter in focus.
Thanks for the feedback.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Waiting for daylight hours to reshoot this weekend. I hope I can nail it.
Thanks Chris.
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
We have a big snowstorm coming in this weekend, looks like not much to do but to shoot and edit indoors--so I will try all angles:) if my daughter complies.
Thanks for commenting.
I will try to light from one side, good suggestion--the lighting was poor for the original version so I knew I had to reshoot--just glad this take on the theme works.
Thanks for commenting.
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Thanks Tatiana,
Sorry I missed your post--I tried to reshoot, but I may have to work with this series if my reshoot didn't work. I still have one more day. I do see why a tighter crop on there would work better, just wish the door was in better focus.
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