First off camera flash shot
After a month of nervous waiting my much anticipated flash triggers arrived yesterday. While doing some initial testing with less than spectacular batteries I am happy with my first off camera flash picture.
The shutter speed was too fast and I got a black border at the bottom, but I think it worked out well. The second flash off to camera right did not fire (batteries in trigger) either. Overall I liked the, admittedly unintentional, effect.
The sweater hood alone created a nice little bit of fill on his left cheek and just enough to know where his eye is.
The background was cluttered mess (my shop) but it was virtually black as well so a little work with lightroom's adjustment brush cleared up the background.
I think I am going to like playing with off camera flash. Now to get umbrellas and softboxes
The shutter speed was too fast and I got a black border at the bottom, but I think it worked out well. The second flash off to camera right did not fire (batteries in trigger) either. Overall I liked the, admittedly unintentional, effect.
The sweater hood alone created a nice little bit of fill on his left cheek and just enough to know where his eye is.
The background was cluttered mess (my shop) but it was virtually black as well so a little work with lightroom's adjustment brush cleared up the background.
I think I am going to like playing with off camera flash. Now to get umbrellas and softboxes
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in my mind's eye, it's like the little guy has just suddenly emerged from of a cold, desolate, and very dark location and stepped into a small ray of light coming from a nearby porch lamp...unintentionally spooking the viewer.
You see this in dark, thriller type movies.
In fact, (assuming the subject is your son) I think you should order a FotoFlot or similar to forever document your first ever off-camera flash attempt! (concert photography) (concert photography) (everything else)