Problem with autosort feature...
So I just uploaded 149 images. They were all named "WEB-1.jpg" thru "WEB-149.jpg"
I thought this would be a pretty simple to autosort but when I arranged them by filename it didn't work, and when I tried numerical that didn't work either.
Any ideas? I've gone ahead and sorted them by upload date and that got it "close" but I still have to move around at least 20 pictures...
Help!! I have another 300 to upload in another gallery and I REALLY don't want to have to do it all by hand!
I thought this would be a pretty simple to autosort but when I arranged them by filename it didn't work, and when I tried numerical that didn't work either.
Any ideas? I've gone ahead and sorted them by upload date and that got it "close" but I still have to move around at least 20 pictures...
Help!! I have another 300 to upload in another gallery and I REALLY don't want to have to do it all by hand!
The only way I've found to make numeric sorts work in an alphabetical system is to zero pad the numbers so all numbers are the same length with leading zeroes. In that way: WEB-002 will sort before WEB-149 like it should.
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