dss43 - C&C please

hi. i've gone in several different directions with this challenge. please feel free to give me feedback on these shots. which is your fave? what do you like? not like? sorry so many!
thanks! -mark;)
cold soul #1

cold soul #2

diner b+w

diner color


lazy afternoon
thanks! -mark;)
cold soul #1

cold soul #2

diner b+w

diner color


lazy afternoon

I like the crispness of the diner shots. I would like to see more of the people.
Portal is nice. I like the colors. For this challenge, I think it would work better with a closer crop.
The painted windows in lazy afternoon are cool. The shadow detracts. Maybe you can reshoot. And see how you like it without the upper windows.
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
I'm not sure if you are asking me directly about #1, but if you are, I can tell you how I made it.
It's a composite of 3 different shots I took: the snowy rock, the round window frame, and the eye (all fresh shots for this challenge). I didn't shoot them intending to put them together, it just happened when I was playing around in Photoshop. At first, I didn't really like it, but I kept tinkering and came up with something I like. Full disclosure: my wife suggested a tighter crop, and it was a great suggestion!
Otherwise, I'm going to have to go with #4, because those paintings are just cute. re-crop to just the lower right or re-shoot w/o shadow and it'll be even stronger.
I like #2 b/c it looks whale-like....you know "window to the soul" thing. and in #2, you don't notice the bottom of the PSd window frame as much.
Go with your gut if it's a toss-up.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.