
G'day Guys,
We now support oEmbed
URL Scheme: http://*.smugmug.com/*
API Endpoint: http://api.smugmug.com/services/oembed/
Sample: http://api.smugmug.com/services/oembed/?url=http%3A//www.smugmug.com/popular/all%23125787395_hQSj9
Please let me know if there are any issues.
We now support oEmbed
URL Scheme: http://*.smugmug.com/*
API Endpoint: http://api.smugmug.com/services/oembed/
Sample: http://api.smugmug.com/services/oembed/?url=http%3A//www.smugmug.com/popular/all%23125787395_hQSj9
Please let me know if there are any issues.
Specifically, I'm trying to embed (into wordpress 3) a 640x480 video that's here: http://ultrasomething.smugmug.com/Multimedia/Video/14726149_4ELWQ#1097237414_koDoa
Since Smugmug now supports oembed, I simply enter that url into wordpress, but I get a tiny thumbnail video embedded (rather than 640x480)
When I try to embed any of the available direct links, like http://ultrasomething.smugmug.com/Multimedia/Video/14726149_4ELWQ#1097237414_koDoa-M-LB, I still get ONLY thumbnail sized videos showing in my wordpress page.
To make matters worse, I've assigned a custom poster frame that doesn't actually appear when I try to embed the video in this manner...
Any helpful pointers? Thanks.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
oEmbed currently serves up flash which obviously won't work on iPads or iPhones. I'll investigate what I can do to fix this.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
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Unfortunately I had to go with Vimeo (because of this issue and the whole Flash thing, which Vimeo's embed code works around). As always, I prefer to use smugmug when possible. Looking forward to seeing the embed code get better cross-browser/platform capability. Thanks for the reply.
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We now support iDevices...iPad, iPhones and iPads with oEmbed
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Hi there!
New to this stuff. Generally, just a paster. I have another website (for a non-profit) (not smugmug). I am currently using one of smugmugs methods so viewers of that site can see images from MY smugmug page. The non-profit site and page for the images is here:
Sometimes this method is slow to add the images to the 12 image box section. It seems kinda klutsy.
I have forgotten the call I used to do that (I'd have to look at the code there)...not important I think.
I have some portfolio galleries that auto run a slideshow of the gallery here on smugmug. I am wondering if I can use oembed to point to a "slideshow" gallery and have it work? OR does oembed only work for delivering a single image?
If maybe yes, then I am thinking of making a smart gallery using images from several Hofwyl galleries and have that smart gallery set to be a slideshow. Not that you need it, but here are my smugmug Hofwyl galleris:
ADDITIONAL DATA added - this is what is being used in an html window on the Hofwyl site:
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="500" height="500"><param name="movie" value="http://cdn.smugmug.com/swfs/badge/flashbadge.swf?useLargeImages=true&nickName=Southeastern-Photography&feedType=&BadgeHost=cdn.smugmug.com&albumID=10564416&albumKey=jYF56&width=500&height=500&gridSpacing=1&gridColumns=4&gridRows=3&background=#000000&preloaderColor=&preloaderGlow=&gridDelay=5&slideshowDelay=3&order=norandom&forceSize=&showCaptions=true&introMode=fadein&aboutlink=&sharelink=&albums="><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://cdn.smugmug.com/swfs/badge/flashbadge.swf?useLargeImages=true&nickName=Southeastern-Photography&feedType=&BadgeHost=cdn.smugmug.com&albumID=10564416&albumKey=jYF56&width=500&height=500&gridSpacing=1&gridColumns=4&gridRows=3&background=#000000&preloaderColor=&preloaderGlow=&gridDelay=5&slideshowDelay=3&order=norandom&forceSize=&showCaptions=true&introMode=fadein&aboutlink=&sharelink=&albums=" width="500" height="500" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="always" ></embed></object>
I tried replacing this with the "example" at the top of this thread. It seemed like the other system didn't understand it and printed out "most" of the code as simple text. I then put it back the way it was.
Troup Nightingale
Southeastern Photography
G'day Troup,
We recently added a slideshow representation for a gallery link, so if you provide a gallery url (minus the photo portion) like this...
The oEmbed call will return a flash slideshow.
Hope this helps.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
This sounds GREAT! However, I seem to have no idea how to implement this. I have searched and read up on SmugMugs OEMBED and from the OEMBED site. I cannot figure out what to do. What am I suppose to do with the ENDPOINT code? I have tried putting in the url to no gain in the other website (not SmugMug). I really do not know what I am doing. Can I get a step by step of what goes where? The "current" gallery I want to use for the slideshow on the other system is:
I put this in the other site:
I cannot get the other system to even acknowledge I have an url there even though it is an html box I am entering it into. Note the description way up above under ADDITIONAL DATA in the previous post of what I am using now in the other system's html box. Do I need an <object> line of something?
Does any of this help you?
THANK YOU!!! I've been trying to figure a good way to do this without having to use Gigya code in my wordpress.com blogs (a pain because of the html tag limitations) I've started a reference blog just so I can keep up with what I can and can't do with smugmug in wordpress.com.
I'm going to go give it a try now!
Any plans for ios support for the slideshow?