FS: Macro Extension Lens
Olympus MCON-35mm Macro Extension Lens
Originally designed to work with Olympus's E-10/20 cameras. However, this multi-coated high-quality, two element/two group close-up attachment lens will work with just about any lens with a filter thread of 62mm or less (using step down adapters). This is NOT like one of the cheaper single element magnification filters available from Hoya, Tiffen, etc. The dual element design significantly cuts down or eliminates the CA (chromatic aberration) and geometric distortion that the single lens filters suffer from. Since I just bought a new dedicated macro lens (1:1), I no longer need this lens.
The magnification is that of a +3 diopter. However, unlike cheap single element close-up attachments this one has two achromatic elements, which reduces distortion and chromatic aberration.
Fantastic shape and includes both caps and a nice soft padded carrying case.
$42 shipped and Paypal'd
Adorama has used ones for $70 (http://www.adorama.com/US%20%20%20%20353802.html)
Originally designed to work with Olympus's E-10/20 cameras. However, this multi-coated high-quality, two element/two group close-up attachment lens will work with just about any lens with a filter thread of 62mm or less (using step down adapters). This is NOT like one of the cheaper single element magnification filters available from Hoya, Tiffen, etc. The dual element design significantly cuts down or eliminates the CA (chromatic aberration) and geometric distortion that the single lens filters suffer from. Since I just bought a new dedicated macro lens (1:1), I no longer need this lens.
The magnification is that of a +3 diopter. However, unlike cheap single element close-up attachments this one has two achromatic elements, which reduces distortion and chromatic aberration.
Fantastic shape and includes both caps and a nice soft padded carrying case.
$42 shipped and Paypal'd
Adorama has used ones for $70 (http://www.adorama.com/US%20%20%20%20353802.html)