Home page Image appears atop every Gallery

silverstreakssilverstreaks Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
edited February 19, 2010 in SmugMug Support
Some how I have managed to end up in a situation whereby the main image on my Home page now appears atop of every one of my individual galleries. I have obviously missed a trick some where. Please Help :dunno



  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited February 6, 2010
    Hi, you put an image in your header - instead, why not use the handy homepage image box? http://www.smugmug.com/help/homepage-boxes
  • silverstreakssilverstreaks Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited February 6, 2010
    Andy wrote:
    Hi, you put an image in your header - instead, why not use the handy homepage image box? http://www.smugmug.com/help/homepage-boxes

    Thank you Andy for your speedy reply

    I had already tried that method but felt that the setting restricted the size of the image it can project. I would much prefer to have a much larger Home page image but cant figure out how to do this without it heading every other page.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited February 6, 2010
    Then put your image in your header code, wrapped in a div.

    <div id="myhomepagepic">YOUR HTML CODE HERE</div>

    then add in your CSS box:

    #myhomepagepic {display: none;}
    .homepage #myhomepagepic {display: block;}
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited February 6, 2010
    Andy wrote:
    Then put your image in your header code, wrapped in a div.

    <div id="myhomepagepic">YOUR HTML CODE HERE</div>

    then add in your CSS box:

    #myhomepagepic {display: none;}
    .homepage #myhomepagepic {display: block;}
    Isn't it better to put the image code in the bioBox and just change the size of the bioBox to however large you want it. Then, the image is only parsed on the homepage, not on every page of the site.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited February 6, 2010
    jfriend wrote:
    Isn't it better to put the image code in the bioBox and just change the size of the bioBox to however large you want it. Then, the image is only parsed on the homepage, not on every page of the site.
    Yup, but I didn't know if they wanted to use the bio box for other stuff :)

    Either way works deal.gif
  • silverstreakssilverstreaks Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited February 6, 2010
    Hang on there my thanks for the replies but I'm afraid HTML is all gobbley gook to me. All I want is to put the following up as my Home page main image


    Now what do I write and where within the either the Easy or Advanced Customizer I do I enter it

    Hand holding please
  • silverstreakssilverstreaks Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited February 7, 2010
    Hi again I have managed to work out how to get a big enough image for my sites Homepage http://tracksrevisited.smugmug.com/?preview=1 without it being repeated on very other page as was perviously the case, However in the process both my Bio and gallery boxes have narrowed considerably from orginally and I would appreciate any advice on what I need to do to return them to the wider setting as was

    The following is my entry on the CSS Box #my_banner {display:none;
    width: 1100px;
    height: 843px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    background: url(http://tracksrevisited.smugmug.com/photos/782282886_6yGJp-O.gif) no-repeat;
    .homepage #my_banner {
    display: block;

    and in the Custom header Box the following

    <div id="my_banner"> </div>

  • silverstreakssilverstreaks Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited February 7, 2010
    Not to worry I think I have it sorted now


  • p27rpyp27rpy Registered Users Posts: 520 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2010
    hi everyone.

    andy, everything you've posted in here has helped me out immensely! i was trying to get a simpleviewer app to work on my homepage in the header section, but it was showing up on every page. with your code, now it shows only on the front. thanks so much!

    i have one more question for you...everything is working well now except for the fact that my nav bar is obscured by the viewer. is there any way to place the nav bar in front of the viewer? my site is here.


  • RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2010
    p27rpy wrote:
    hi everyone.

    andy, everything you've posted in here has helped me out immensely! i was trying to get a simpleviewer app to work on my homepage in the header section, but it was showing up on every page. with your code, now it shows only on the front. thanks so much!

    i have one more question for you...everything is working well now except for the fact that my nav bar is obscured by the viewer. is there any way to place the nav bar in front of the viewer? my site is here.


    Hey Theo - I am not seeing your navbar obscured by the viewer. However - I will say that your extensive drop-down menus may (will) not be usable to some people withe smaller browser heights.

  • p27rpyp27rpy Registered Users Posts: 520 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2010
    RogersDA wrote:
    Hey Theo - I am not seeing your navbar obscured by the viewer. However - I will say that your extensive drop-down menus may (will) not be usable to some people withe smaller browser heights.

    that's so strange! here is a vid from my firefox...it's blocked! is there anything i need to change in firefox's settings?

    Video of what i see
  • RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2010
    p27rpy wrote:
    that's so strange! here is a vid from my firefox...it's blocked! is there anything i need to change in firefox's settings?
    ne_nau.gif Sorry - no ideas there.
  • p27rpyp27rpy Registered Users Posts: 520 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2010
  • p27rpyp27rpy Registered Users Posts: 520 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2010
    i saw you had a mac, so i tested it on my friend's macbook on firefox. it works fine! it doesn't work on my PC running firefox though. what gives?
  • RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2010
    p27rpy wrote:
    i saw you had a mac, so i tested it on my friend's macbook on firefox. it works fine! it doesn't work on my PC running firefox though. what gives?
    Get a Mac? :D

    Seriously - no ideas...
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited February 13, 2010
    p27rpy wrote:
    very weird. does this happen to anyone else here?
    Happens for me in IE8 and Chrome.

    You might try experimenting with z-index settings. You have one on your menu - try adding one to the flash on your homepage.

    As far as your drop-down goes? I'm looking at your site on a laptop with a wider, less tall screen. Your navbar drop goes way off the screen. The dropdown is too long, and in my opinion your banner is taking up too much room on the screen as well. On my laptop your banner / navbar combination takes up almost half of the viewable space in my browser. I'd recommend reading The purpose (and size) of a banner image.

    While I'm being blunt, do you really think that people will really see the images in the constantly moving flash implementation on your homepage? Isn't the purpose of your homepage to entice people to enter your site? I find that type of presentation a real annoyance. I know, that's a personal opinion, one that you might not share. But I'd recommend that you ask some of your target viewers for an honest opinion.

    --- Denise
  • RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2010
    Acutally - in your CSS - you may want to try changing the z-index of the menus.

    Try changing
    z-index: 99;

    z-index: 999;

    Edit - as mentioned by Denise above...
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2010
    p27rpy wrote:
    hi everyone.

    andy, everything you've posted in here has helped me out immensely! i was trying to get a simpleviewer app to work on my homepage in the header section, but it was showing up on every page. with your code, now it shows only on the front. thanks so much!

    i have one more question for you...everything is working well now except for the fact that my nav bar is obscured by the viewer. is there any way to place the nav bar in front of the viewer? my site is here.


    There are two things you need to do to get the navbar consistently above the flash show.

    1) Make sure the navbar has z-index:99 or something like that.
    2) Make sure the flash show is declared so it can be transparent. This puts in into your page rather than in a separate embedded window and allows other things to overlap it. You'd have to see the site that helped you create the flash show for how to do that.

    It looks like you already have the z-index declared in your CSS so I think you should look into the second item. On my Vista computer, it works fine in Firefox, but the menus are obscured on IE7.

    You also have a couple of unrelated web page errors that you should fix. Both are in your custom footer and look related to the old slideshow which you haven't completely removed.

    I'd agree with the earlier comment that you've gone a bit overboard with the drop-downs. Three levels with that many things in the third level sounds to me like it cries out more for a menu redesign that isn't that deep and isn't that long. Go wide and shallow, not narrow and deep. These types of menus are not very usable as it is, but going three levels with a lot of items in the third level is going to lose most of your viewers so it's not really helping you.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • p27rpyp27rpy Registered Users Posts: 520 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2010
    jfriend wrote:
    There are two things you need to do to get the navbar consistently above the flash show.

    1) Make sure the navbar has z-index:99 or something like that.
    2) Make sure the flash show is declared so it can be transparent. This puts in into your page rather than in a separate embedded window and allows other things to overlap it. You'd have to see the site that helped you create the flash show for how to do that.

    It looks like you already have the z-index declared in your CSS so I think you should look into the second item. On my Vista computer, it works fine in Firefox, but the menus are obscured on IE7.

    You also have a couple of unrelated web page errors that you should fix. Both are in your custom footer and look related to the old slideshow which you haven't completely removed.

    I'd agree with the earlier comment that you've gone a bit overboard with the drop-downs. Three levels with that many things in the third level sounds to me like it cries out more for a menu redesign that isn't that deep and isn't that long. Go wide and shallow, not narrow and deep. These types of menus are not very usable as it is, but going three levels with a lot of items in the third level is going to lose most of your viewers so it's not really helping you.

    thanks for everyone's tips! i will take them all into consideration.

    what if i wanted to simply make the front page the flash viewer only, with my name, that when clicked would take you to the page with the banner/ navbar? would there be a way to do that?

    sorry to keep asking so many questions, guys. i really appreciate all yall have done to help!
  • p27rpyp27rpy Registered Users Posts: 520 Major grins
    edited February 16, 2010
    p27rpy wrote:
    thanks for everyone's tips! i will take them all into consideration.

    what if i wanted to simply make the front page the flash viewer only, with my name, that when clicked would take you to the page with the banner/ navbar? would there be a way to do that?

    sorry to keep asking so many questions, guys. i really appreciate all yall have done to help!

    any ideas? i'm hoping to get my homepage bug free asap as i've been linking it a lot recently. i'd just like to find out why my nav bar is showing up behind the flash viewer on certain platforms.

  • mr.softwaremr.software Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited February 19, 2010
    I know this is a silly question
    When you say 'your html code here', what code would you need to simply display one picture that is already uploaded (like in the 'other' gallery). I'll finally catch on, with a bit of assistance.

    thank you.
    Andy wrote:
    Then put your image in your header code, wrapped in a div.

    <div id="myhomepagepic">YOUR HTML CODE HERE</div>

    then add in your CSS box:

    #myhomepagepic {display: none;}
    .homepage #myhomepagepic {display: block;}
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited February 19, 2010
    When you say 'your html code here', what code would you need to simply display one picture that is already uploaded (like in the 'other' gallery).
    Use Share... Get a link, documented on this help page - http://www.smugmug.com/help/picture-sharing-links.

    --- Denise
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