DS 43--Door

I can't quite nail this one--I'd like to blame my 2 year old daughter, but really I'm just struggling here.
This is what I have on my re-shoot.
Working title---"Fee Fi Fo Fum" that's my idea---
My husband's idea for title "I'm gonna need a bigger door".
C&C welcome--quick swift kick in the rear needed--feel very stuck!

This is what I have on my re-shoot.
Working title---"Fee Fi Fo Fum" that's my idea---
My husband's idea for title "I'm gonna need a bigger door".
C&C welcome--quick swift kick in the rear needed--feel very stuck!


Liz A.
You have a great idea here. You have elements in each of the versions that you've taken. I agree that they aren't quite put togehter yet.
I remember my kids at 2 yo....I appreciate your challenge!
I like the first one of this set the best. I like the door in focus and the child (that's clearly up to something...adds tension!) out of focus.
In your first set, I loved the contrast between the girl and her playhouse vs. the red truck.
If you aren't still shooting, then I'd vote for #1, this set. My only nit is to clone out the hair in the bottom right of the door.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Thank you both for commenting--
I was able to reshoot this morning and I finally got one I"m happy with.
I managed to get the door in focus--and I got my daughter's face blurred but visible. I just like it, first one I've been happy with.
Thank you both for your advice and for the encouragement.
I love your entry! Brilliant job. Sorry I had no advice to give, but I think you nailed what you were "shooting" for. Great and fitting title as well. Bravo.
Thanks Brian
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.