Mz. Angel ( 18+ )
Ok, so i've been here for a while now and so far just made few comments here and there. so i've decided that it's time to post something here in Go Figure. i know that my stuff may not be all that great but i do keep working at it. well that is when i can find models that'll put with me.:D
so this Angel we've work together a few times now. we both agree that these are the best that we've done so far.
so let me know what you think good, bad, or other wise.
and don't worry, i'm not giving up my day job.:wink
Thanks for Looking.
so this Angel we've work together a few times now. we both agree that these are the best that we've done so far.
so let me know what you think good, bad, or other wise.
and don't worry, i'm not giving up my day job.:wink




Thanks for Looking.
My Tomestone Will Read : I spent most of my money on Cold Beer, Loose Women, And Fast Bikes, the rest I just Wasted !!!!
My Tomestone Will Read : I spent most of my money on Cold Beer, Loose Women, And Fast Bikes, the rest I just Wasted !!!!
Not to be rude, but they kind of look like facebook pictures in 18+. I'm not saying they're horrible, I've seen, and probably taken worse, they just aren't exactly good either.
1. whatever she's sitting on, and I'm guessing it's the fireplace mantle are fairly distracting here. She's also very centered, which really isn't working for me(although like I said, I could easily be wrong). Also quite dark
2. the best lit of the bunch, but her forearms appear to be overexposed. The strange shadow at the bottom right could easily be cloned out in post.
3 & 4. When you bend a skinny person forward at the lower back it makes creases in their stomach which are rather unflattering. Both of these images suffer from that. Both of them are also suffering from being quite underexposed, while 4 is actually closer as a whole exposure wise, her eyes are extremely dark, a flash or even a reflector for fill could easily cure that. Crop or clone out the lamp, or whatever it is in 3.
That's what I've got to start. I won't comment much on posing since I'm horrible at it.
All of these shots, together or separate, really do not say much.
You didn't ask for suggestions, but I'm willing to give one or two.
Try positioning 'Angel" in profile in this lighting. and take your light/lights and move them around trying lighting her from different angles. #1 might have worked with a simple turn of your model, facing towards (viewers) 3 o'clock~
And the smoke shot, ya missed a grand op to light the smoke.
If you only have one light, not to worry, theres a million ways to light it with one light, so keep working!
Other than that, my complaint about these and lots of others I see is Why?
Why was the shot taken? In other words, they need a bit more context~
Something that makes sense about the shot, or makes the viewer want to look at the shot~
A great photog once told me; "If you can nail Nudes and Architecture, anything else will be a breeze".... You have a willing model (ya, I'm envious); keep at 'er.
( Not to be rude, but they kind of look like facebook pictures in 18+. )
now that really hurt.:D no just kidding. i know what you mean though. but if you'd seen some from the first couple shoots that i did you'd see that these are way better than anything i've done so far. but that being said i still have a long, long way to go.
( 1. whatever she's sitting on, and I'm guessing it's the fireplace mantle are fairly distracting here. She's also very centered, which really isn't working for me(although like I said, I could easily be wrong). Also quite dark )
you make a good point about it being kind of dark. at the time i thought that the lighting was all right but after seeing it on the computer it does seem to be in need of maybe just a little fill. as for being centered this is some thing that i really need to pay more attention to. to tell the truth she's sitting on an end table. so far we always shoot in her apartment and it's vary vary small. it's hard some time to set up a shot that has nothing in the back ground. and if i want to move a light stand i've got to move some furniture. some time it's kind of funny to watch.
(2. the best lit of the bunch, but her forearms appear to be overexposed. The strange shadow at the bottom right could easily be cloned out in post.)
i really thought that this one was overexposed overall. ok so now i have some thing to think about. and i never noticed the shadow. thanks.
(3 & 4. When you bend a skinny person forward at the lower back it makes creases in their stomach which are rather unflattering. Both of these images suffer from that)
i noticed this after the shoot and it's something that i'll need to keep in mind.
(Both of them are also suffering from being quite underexposed, while 4 is actually closer as a whole exposure wise, her eyes are extremely dark, a flash or even a reflector for fill could easily cure that. Crop or clone out the lamp, or whatever it is in 3.)
well in a way that's kind of what i had in mind, i wanted a dark kind of moody maybe even sultry atmosphere. as for the lamp well i actually thought about moving it but decided not to. my thought was that it will help in giving the photo context. ok, ok, so i'm not so smart. why do you think i'm not giving up my day job.
thanks for your input it's given me things to think about.
( You didn't ask for suggestions, but I'm willing to give one or two. )
that's why i posted them, i want to get better and one the ways to do that is to get input from others on what i've done right or wrong what i can do to improve. so your suggestions are more than welcome.
( Try positioning 'Angel" in profile in this lighting. and take your light/lights and move them around trying lighting her from different angles. #1 might have worked with a simple turn of your model, facing towards (viewers) 3 o'clock~ )
i'll give this a try the next time.
( And the smoke shot, ya missed a grand op to light the smoke )
can you explain how you might have done it. how i set it up was i had my storbe set at about her 10 o'clock looking down with an umberlla.
(Other than that, my complaint about these and lots of others I see is Why?
Why was the shot taken? In other words, they need a bit more context~
Something that makes sense about the shot, or makes the viewer want to look at the shot~)
What???? you mean a naked pretty young lady's not enough?
no, you make a vary good point and it's some thing i need spend some time thinking about.
thanks for your input.
(A great photog once told me; "If you can nail Nudes and Architecture, anything else will be a breeze"....)
Believe me i've got a long way to go before i nail any thing.
(You have a willing model (ya, I'm envious); keep at 'er.)
Ya, i'm pretty lucky in being able to work with Angel. she's not a model but she does enjoy being in front of a camera. some times when i'm trying to explain to her what i want she's sitting there looking at me like i've got no clue what your talking about. well ok, she not the only one that looks at me that way. but we still have fun.
Thanks for all of your input.
My Tomestone Will Read : I spent most of my money on Cold Beer, Loose Women, And Fast Bikes, the rest I just Wasted !!!!
Also, I found that I used to be so overwhelmed with just taking the shot that I forgot to pay attention to the most basic stuff. Like a deer in the headlights type thing. You know... I would get tunnel vision. Relax, take a deep breath and take time to go through the basics. Look at your background, make sure there isn't anything distracting from the subject, make sure you're not cutting off any limbs, check for weird shadows... you know, look beyond just the center of the viewfinder and really take a look at the composition as a whole. Also, nothing wrong with chimping... take a shot, check it on the LCD, make some adjustments, shoot again.
Good luck.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Not really. Is she there, relaxing? Did you catch her unaware? etc. Problem is, thats the way she looks to the viewer as well. If shes going to make eye contact with the viewer, she needs to be conveying something other than: clueless~