challenge 44

Hi all,
I have to get a jump on this challenge because I'm going away in a couple of days--so here I am, snowed in and bored and ready to tackle this.
C&C always appreciated.
Thank you.
I have to get a jump on this challenge because I'm going away in a couple of days--so here I am, snowed in and bored and ready to tackle this.
C&C always appreciated.
Thank you.

Liz A.
Looks like a ruling for the judges. But that is a shadow not a silhouette.
Need to go stand someone in front of the snow and shoot for the highlights to make a silhouette.
:bash :bash :bash
Thank you for clarifying that--you are so right of course...AAGGHHH!
and now
This might not qualify, because of the internal detail, but I wouldn't have presumed that the method of making the silhouette (against a bright sky or snow v casting a shadow) would have been the relevant distinction.
If you have the time, you might want to fiddle with the contrast to make the silhouette more defined(more distinct against the background????). I really like what you captured.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
(center) and it might make a silhouette.
I shall leave it in the judges hands then to see if it qualifies--
I appreciate the input.
Also DsrtVW I will work on the curves to make the shadow more prominent. Thanks for the tip.
FYI, I won't be able to comment much more on other entries since I'll be out of town--I hope I can access the challenges on my crackberry so that I can keep up to date, but if not, I'll see you all when I come back.
Take care.
Nelson Lehner
Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
I am also not so sure that this qualifies as a "real" silhouette. I'm sure different people have different definitions for silhouette, but typically you want a subject in front of a background which is much brighter than the subject itself e.g. sky. I never considered a shadow to be a silhouette.
Los Angeles dance photographer
hmmmm--I think because people are of two opinions I will have to take my chances and may have to go with this one--not that your opinion doesn't matter, it's just my day to shoot was yesterday and I have tonight to tweak and tomorrow morning, otherwise it's no entry at all. I will have to take my chances with Aaron and Mrs.Cue. Course from what I"m already seeing in the dailies, I think I may be in trouble anyway
Thanks Nightpixels--I appreciate the input, but I'll likely roll with this one, only because there is no other option at this point.
Then go for it
Los Angeles dance photographer
BTW, I can access the forums on my crackberry, but not with the built-in web browser (which has problems with many sites). I had to download a free 3rd party browser. The one called "Bolt" seems to work best for me for these forums. Find it at
Thanks Mark,
First for the tip about the BB--I am looking into Bolt right now!
Also glad my shot works for you.