Ah prints
I just received a bunch of 8x12s and one 8x10 I ordered from my galleries on smug mug.
While I appreciate seeing my work quickly after taking the shots and then processing them through photo shop in 1600x1200 flat screen resolution, nothing, I mean nothing, compares to holding the print of that shot in your hand. It's magical. It's also really nice to confirm my monitor is calibrated right too.:D
i'm so excited I had to share what I printed out. This was my first really big order that I plan on getting framed professionaly and putiting out in publc for sale. I apologize now and thank you for being patient with all my gushing.:bow
This was one of my personal favorites and I'm keeping it for myself. The screen just doesn't do it justice. The crispness of the trees against the sky and the water holds reflections you can't see, and the clouds, they just look magnificent in print. Sorry, I'm like a kid with a new toy right now.:D

While I like this one, I was just OK with it. The colors and textures really pop more in print. A lot more. I was very happy.

No big surprises with this one. The contrast is actually better in print but it turned out pretty much how I expected.

Another one of my personal favorites. It came out as lush in color as I hoped and had even more of a fairy tale look to it then I good of wished for.

This one I think is more of a personal taste thing. Some may not care for it. I like it and my wife does also. I was afraid that the mood wouldn't transfer over. It does even more. So much more detail can be seen.

Yeah, flower shots. Whoopee, anyone can take flower shots, but I really liked these two. The bluebells in print are just amazing. The colors leap of the page. The tulips was the only one I was slightly disappointed in. I think it shows that it wasn't as good a shot as I thought it was initially. Thanks for looking. Sorry for being so giddy.:D

While I appreciate seeing my work quickly after taking the shots and then processing them through photo shop in 1600x1200 flat screen resolution, nothing, I mean nothing, compares to holding the print of that shot in your hand. It's magical. It's also really nice to confirm my monitor is calibrated right too.:D
i'm so excited I had to share what I printed out. This was my first really big order that I plan on getting framed professionaly and putiting out in publc for sale. I apologize now and thank you for being patient with all my gushing.:bow
This was one of my personal favorites and I'm keeping it for myself. The screen just doesn't do it justice. The crispness of the trees against the sky and the water holds reflections you can't see, and the clouds, they just look magnificent in print. Sorry, I'm like a kid with a new toy right now.:D

While I like this one, I was just OK with it. The colors and textures really pop more in print. A lot more. I was very happy.

No big surprises with this one. The contrast is actually better in print but it turned out pretty much how I expected.

Another one of my personal favorites. It came out as lush in color as I hoped and had even more of a fairy tale look to it then I good of wished for.

This one I think is more of a personal taste thing. Some may not care for it. I like it and my wife does also. I was afraid that the mood wouldn't transfer over. It does even more. So much more detail can be seen.

Yeah, flower shots. Whoopee, anyone can take flower shots, but I really liked these two. The bluebells in print are just amazing. The colors leap of the page. The tulips was the only one I was slightly disappointed in. I think it shows that it wasn't as good a shot as I thought it was initially. Thanks for looking. Sorry for being so giddy.:D

These all look great on my monitor and I'll have to take word about the print part, but as you say if they look awesome in print then you got some real keepers here.
On another subject, help me out here ....how do I get one of my images sized to look decent as my avatar ?? So far everyone I downsize looks distorted
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