Is upgrade offer from Elements to CS4 made frequently?
Hi everyone! I recently received an offer from Adobe to purchase Photoshop CS4 Standard for $299 since I own a registered Elements license. The offer expires soon and I'm wondering whether I should jump on it or not. I don't necessarily need a Photoshop license right now and wouldn't mind waiting a year (or perhaps longer) before getting a license. However, I don't want to end up paying $699!
Those of you who have Elements: in your experience, does Adobe make this offer to Elements users on a regular basis? Or does it seem to be a "once per Elements license" offer?
I also recently purchased Lightroom 2. Does anyone know if Adobe makes similar offers to Lightroom users?
Those of you who have Elements: in your experience, does Adobe make this offer to Elements users on a regular basis? Or does it seem to be a "once per Elements license" offer?
I also recently purchased Lightroom 2. Does anyone know if Adobe makes similar offers to Lightroom users?
Photoshop CS5 will likely be released at some point in the near future, going by the approx. 18 month upgrade cycle.
Caveat emptor and all that...
Stephen Marsh
I know they made this offer last summer as well.
I recieved the same offer and jumped on it about 2 weeks ago. Although I spent an hour on the phone with Adobe tech support - it now works as is should.
twin Mark IV's & a bunch of "L" glass
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