Photoshop 7 vs. CS4

I've been using PS7 for my editing for the last 3 years, but I'm wondering if there is a worthy advantage to getting CS4, is it worth the $700 plus the cost of a new computer to handle it?
I would like to get in to HDR.
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You definitely need a new machine for HDR. And for LR or CS4. But, man, will you be happy when you get it.
Check the release history at Wikipedia, they list what changed for each version.
The list of improvements is so long, I would never go back to 7. But what you should do, once you get upgraded, is get yourself trained on all the changes (you can use free web tutorials to do this) so that you are getting the most out of it. If you use CS4 exactly like you use 7, you'll waste your money.
By the way, the HDR feature in Photoshop itself isn't so great. Even if you got a newer Photoshop, if HDR is your focus you'd want another program. Instead of upgrading Photoshop, you could get Lightroom and an HDR plug-in for a lot less money, for example.
I switched from PS7 to the first CS because the added features seemed worth it for me. Then upgraded to CS3 when it came out because the change seemed worth it, and for me it was. I haven't upgraded to CS4 because it seemed the changes did not seem worth it, again, for me. But I must say that the upgrade to CS3 was well worth it and I'm very happy with it - Richard pointed out some the the improvements and I will add that it's faster, better controls and really wonderfully improvements to the original editing features. But it is a personal choice. I agree that you could see the difference if you downloaded the trial version and check for yourself. And if you do want to switch and can get the right machine for $700, I'd go for it. Probably time for a system upgrade anyway. And I'm sure you know this, but make sure you have enough memory to handle the processing of CS4. I have 3GB and all runs great.
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As for HDR, you should really check out Photomatix Pro. It is highly recommended by PS experts for the better results and controls, etc. I believe you can also get a trial version of it and check it out. IMO, it's really amazing once you get used to the controls.
But for making Selections, the new Quick Selection tool and Refine Edges command, alone, were worth the upgrade to me. I can do selections that rival pros with pen tools
Cs4s performance in the creation of multi frame panos is excellent also. DOes PS 7 do anything but manual masking of panos?
If your computer is 10 years old, a whole new world beckons. That has to be a century in computer time.
A 10 year old computer will run a very long time, trying to digest a 5 frame, 15 Mb per frame, HDR rendering, I'll bet.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Maybe you could try the 30-day free trial version of CS4 on your PC and see if it's going to be worth it.
Just make sure you get a great deal on the new PC. Get a nice 22" monitor too while you're at it, they're so cheap now!