Windows downloader

Yet another question related to my exif troubles. I think I got that squared away for that photo.
However, it has been suggested that my Corel software has a bug that doesn't properly save exif and not to use it for downloading images from camera to computer to work on them.
It was also suggested that your basic Windows downloader won't strip exif info from camera to computer. I have Windows Photo Gallery which has an "Import images from camera" option. Or I can use Windows Explorer.
I actually take my memory card out of my camera, put it in a card reader to download. So I can use Windows Explorer or Windows Photo Gallery to copy the images from the memory card into my Corel program instead of using the Corel downloader that is a part of the Corel program to do that.
Does anyone have any experience - good or bad - with using either Windows Explorer or Windows Photo Gallery? any issues with it stripping exif from the images as they upload into the computer?
I appreciate the input! I really don't want a repeat of the Great Mystery of the Missing Exif next time!
However, it has been suggested that my Corel software has a bug that doesn't properly save exif and not to use it for downloading images from camera to computer to work on them.
It was also suggested that your basic Windows downloader won't strip exif info from camera to computer. I have Windows Photo Gallery which has an "Import images from camera" option. Or I can use Windows Explorer.
I actually take my memory card out of my camera, put it in a card reader to download. So I can use Windows Explorer or Windows Photo Gallery to copy the images from the memory card into my Corel program instead of using the Corel downloader that is a part of the Corel program to do that.
Does anyone have any experience - good or bad - with using either Windows Explorer or Windows Photo Gallery? any issues with it stripping exif from the images as they upload into the computer?
I appreciate the input! I really don't want a repeat of the Great Mystery of the Missing Exif next time!
Kara Stewart