Facebook - just me or ...

I've been trying to share a gallery to facebook but I keep getting an error messages that says that Facebook seem to have some technical problems. Is it just me or ... ???
Jan Erik Moström
Jan Erik Moström
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OK, I've tried approx 10-15 times during the last 24 hours but so far it doesn't seem to work (this is the first time I've tried Facebook sharing so I don't know if this is normal)
Jan Erik Moström
I have never gotten the 'share' to work with Facebook from Safari. I always have to go to Firefox or Chrome to get it to work. I have no idea why and have tried hundreds of times with cache-clears, cookies clears, etc. The picture just never shows up. In my case, I only post single pictures, not entire galleries, so YMMV.
This is on a MacPro, iMac and Macbook Pro.
OK, I'll try FF
Jan Erik Moström
It worked with Firefox but characters like å, ä, ö didn't make it to Facebook
Jan Erik Moström