Use paypal account for digital downloads

I am checking to see if I can use my paypal account for customers to purchase digital downloads. I would like to offer the option for digital downloads for the upcoming soccer season action photos. If I use smugmug the fee is 15% and paypal is far less. Example I just sold $54 worth of photos paypal fee=$1.87 smugmug fee=$8.10. I have seen something about adding a paypal cart to your site a while ago, but will that work with digital downloads. If this can't be done, does anyone know of a site that can do this?
Chuck Perkins
Chuck Perkins
Chuck Perkins
Canon 7D, XSi, 17-55 2.8IS, 70-200 2.8, 50 1.8, Tamron 28-75 2.8, 18-55 Kit Lens, 580,430, Alien Bee Studio Lights
Canon 7D, XSi, 17-55 2.8IS, 70-200 2.8, 50 1.8, Tamron 28-75 2.8, 18-55 Kit Lens, 580,430, Alien Bee Studio Lights
They have a monthly service fee, not a per-transaction fee.
I used E-Junkie/Google Checkout for selling a few things via my SmugMug site (I used E-Junkie as they allow you to specify quantity available, will track the number of items purchased, and will disable the link when the quantity goes to 0. It worked pretty well once I got it integrated.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy