Some Soccer with new 20D
I just upgraded my Canon DigiReb to a Canon 20D, mainly for sports shooting. Here are several shots from a 3v3 tournament this past weekend. My technique needs to improve but I got some pretty nice keepers. Thanks for looking......John

I did a 3 v 3 tournament a couple of months ago too, and really enjoyed the opportunity to shoot the limited number of players in the tighter space.
Thanks for sharing.
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I did a bit of soccer shooting at one point, and I can quickly see some of the same things I struggled with. Those yellow jerseys are fun, eh?! Definitely overexposed and I'd have to guess you used the shadow/highlight tool to bring up the shadows and down those shirts?
I hate to say it, but that tool gets overused and its so obvious to see. Try some spot metering on the jerseys and let the other shadows happen naturally, I think you'll like the result better than your enhanced version.
Soccer's tough though, as is any sport. 20D upgrade helps, but don't forget the faster glass to match!
You did get some nice facial expressions
Good luck,