Smugmug download tool for windows / newversion
I have been way for some time.
I just have enhanced the smugmug download tool, it’s now called Sdownload because of the restrictions on using smugmug name.
I use this app for personal use and any one that need to download albums from smugmug (as I) can use it on private way (non commercial)…
Again a very simple and not user proof…
Download and install:
Create a directory and copy the exe file inside.
Using it:
Put your data : nick password and directory to download (you must have the folder for pics created)
Click login Wait
Click on the album that you want to download and the images will appear on the other list.
Chose the size of the image you want
Click download and wait… (For now only full album download)
Future enhancements:
Real file names, instead of the smugmug names.
Proxy support…
PS: Use it at your own risk
You can download here
I have been way for some time.
I just have enhanced the smugmug download tool, it’s now called Sdownload because of the restrictions on using smugmug name.
I use this app for personal use and any one that need to download albums from smugmug (as I) can use it on private way (non commercial)…
Again a very simple and not user proof…
Download and install:
Create a directory and copy the exe file inside.
Using it:
Put your data : nick password and directory to download (you must have the folder for pics created)
Click login Wait
Click on the album that you want to download and the images will appear on the other list.
Chose the size of the image you want
Click download and wait… (For now only full album download)
Future enhancements:
Real file names, instead of the smugmug names.
Proxy support…
PS: Use it at your own risk
You can download here
Thanks gus
This prog is 100% GUS endorsed ...(gus proof that is)
i'm working on more user friendly version that will allow to choose the maximum file per album.
Because of the xml bug i have to do process that is very time consuming and so i have put a limitation to 200 pics to get it faster...
The beta version its even worst on the getalbuns ...
who is fixing the apis ? onethumb ?
Downloading and prepareing albums.
and to the right of that number counting over and over.
This is on 4 different computers. Does the program work any more? I know it used too.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Same problem. Noted the text with program said "Put your data: nick password AND DIRECTORY TO DOWNLOAD ... (empasis added). Can anyone clarify what is being asked here since password does not accept a gallery or anything else? What are we missing?
I recommend getting Star Explorer.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
That's a fine suggestion, except be prepared to pay for it. The trial version doesn't do much, and you won't know that until after you download, install, and give it your username/password. The website says "no refunds.. try it before you buy it" and yet, it is limited to 3 photos download, for example.
Sorry... I won't look any further after I discover what I consider shady marketing like that. If the trial has limitations, they should be *prominantly* described as a courtesy.
You should let Nik know, he's a nice guy, I'm sure he'd appreciate the feedback.
You'll be able to use something, originally, titled 'SmugDown' that will do the job for you.
Downside: You won't be able to use it until July/August.