LR Workflow?

I have just purchased LR2 and I am new to the processing of photos(just getting serious with my photography). I would like to know from individuals that use LR2 what your typical work flow is? Once the photos are imported in, what steps do you do on a consistent basis for all files?
Everything you need to know is here:
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
Once you are comfortable with global editing, you may then want to explore a pixel editor program like Photoshop Elements or Photoshop itself. But start with Lightroom, it is much easier, faster, and simpler to learn.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Import photos
Create new galleries and move into appropriate gallery
ex. weddings>mary and steve>engagement
Color correct all photos, the sync button is your friend. I usually change the curve on most as well.
Go back thru and star my favorites, I have my own ranking system
Use plug-ins and photoshop to mess with the details on my favorites with my tablet.
Export full resolution jpg for my smug mug site
Export smaller resolution jpg for personal website, blog, etc.
I import my photos, generally 600 to 800 at a time.
I don't do any sorting or separating into folders.
Then I go all the way through and delete the dogs.
Then I go through them all again and adjust any that might need exposure adjustments.
Then I have a group of universal settings I set for all the photos at once using the auto sync. feature.
Then I open them one at a time and crop to taste and put any effects on them that I think will look good using presets...usually with a little tweaking.
Then finally I sharpen them all the same using the auto sync feature again.
Change them to jpegs during the download back out of Lightroom.
My guess is that everybody has their own different methods.
Once you get the hang of how to use the program it is so fast.
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