faking sub-galleries
Hi dgrinners,
First, I have spent a long time searching through these forums and reading
threads, and I'm very impressed with the level of support and effort put out by everyone!
My issue: I need a sub-gallery, or at least functionality that approximates it. I know SM does not (directly) support sub-galleries, and I've read through some of the tricks people have done to approximate them. Categories and sub-categories won't do what I want, as far as I can figure.
The site I'm trying to create is fairly simple. I want my homepage to show galleries, because most of my photo sets are just a single folder of photos. However, every once in a while I'll have a photo set that I want to sub-divide further (like a recent trip to Turkey where I have 10 separate directories of photos corresponding to each of the 10 days).
So most links on my homepage would link straight to a gallery (i.e., one click from the homepage and the visitor is looking at the gallery view). For the sub-divided directories, the link on the homepage would go to a "sub-gallery" page, one with links to the various galleries.
I threw together a quick sample site to show you what I'm trying to do: http://www.largest.org/sm/
To solve this, I was playing around with ideas on this page http://allen-steve.smugmug.com/gallery/3539056
but for some reason, when I edit the gallery description and insert my HTML, the images don't show up. Not sure if this is the recommended direction to solve the problem.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
First, I have spent a long time searching through these forums and reading
threads, and I'm very impressed with the level of support and effort put out by everyone!
My issue: I need a sub-gallery, or at least functionality that approximates it. I know SM does not (directly) support sub-galleries, and I've read through some of the tricks people have done to approximate them. Categories and sub-categories won't do what I want, as far as I can figure.
The site I'm trying to create is fairly simple. I want my homepage to show galleries, because most of my photo sets are just a single folder of photos. However, every once in a while I'll have a photo set that I want to sub-divide further (like a recent trip to Turkey where I have 10 separate directories of photos corresponding to each of the 10 days).
So most links on my homepage would link straight to a gallery (i.e., one click from the homepage and the visitor is looking at the gallery view). For the sub-divided directories, the link on the homepage would go to a "sub-gallery" page, one with links to the various galleries.
I threw together a quick sample site to show you what I'm trying to do: http://www.largest.org/sm/
To solve this, I was playing around with ideas on this page http://allen-steve.smugmug.com/gallery/3539056
but for some reason, when I edit the gallery description and insert my HTML, the images don't show up. Not sure if this is the recommended direction to solve the problem.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
You then need to use various javscript and css hacks to clean up the breadcrumb etc.
See http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=57994 for one way that I did it. (Note that this is an unsupported hack - it is up to you to figure out the details. Also, the way I described in that page isn't 100% the way that I implement it now.)
gives my initial attempt at such a page
include added functionality. (If I were to redo these pages now, I would use Virtual Galleries instead of the keyword results pages for some of the sub-galleries...)
There are examples on my site in the Travel category.
Travel = category.
Recent trip to Hawaii - Pele's Wonders = subcategory.
There are 4 galleries within that subcategory.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I've built my own replacement category and subcategory pages so I don't have that problem...
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Yes! This is the direction I went at first, and it seemed like a perfect solution for me, until I saw that sub-categories are sorted separately from galleries. Being able to combine them in any order would solve my problem.
Maybe we'll see this functionality in the future? (crossing fingers)
Thanks for the tips. I'll go play around with the other ideas you mention. Denise, did you build your own category and sub-category pages using similar tricks to the ones mentioned?
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I would like this feature as well.