remind me again why I bought SmugMug?
This is not a thread to complain on SmugMug. I actually want to be reminded why I chose SmugMug, cause my memory is terrible (and that's why we take lots of pictures) and I can't remember why.
I was just browsing Flickr and found out that for $25 I get unlimited storage, compared to $60 for my current SmugMug account. Also, Flickr's limit per photo is 20 MB, whereas SmugMug's is 12 MB, which is the one thing I really have a grudge on.
The one awesome thing about SmugMug is I can use my own domain name, and I really like that.
Other than that, I'm not sure if Flickr lets people other than owners to view full-size images, and SmugMug's navigation sometimes is just clunky.
so can anyone sell SmugMug back to me?
I was just browsing Flickr and found out that for $25 I get unlimited storage, compared to $60 for my current SmugMug account. Also, Flickr's limit per photo is 20 MB, whereas SmugMug's is 12 MB, which is the one thing I really have a grudge on.
The one awesome thing about SmugMug is I can use my own domain name, and I really like that.
Other than that, I'm not sure if Flickr lets people other than owners to view full-size images, and SmugMug's navigation sometimes is just clunky.
so can anyone sell SmugMug back to me?

Let's start here:
everything under customization - you have at SmugMug. Then look at the privacy options, service and support, unmatched speed and delivery of your images, and the print products we offer.
Would love to hear more about navigation and if we're foiling you....
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I'm new to Smugmug but the attraction so far are the many features that Flickr is lacking. What I prefer with Smugmug are the security features, the photo vault, the ability to customize appears to be endless (though I'm not developer), the shopping cart feature. And above all the presentation.
My Flickr
My Smugmug
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
I agree fully with this. I've never really used Flickr as an admin, but the wiewer's UI is horrible in my opinion. You should not have to figure out how to navigate a site. However the same can be said about Smugmug's admin UI, you have to learn it and it took me quite a while.
What I love about Smugmug:
The staff and community
Super fast loading of photos, all but originals, really.
"Your photos looks better here", they do.
Edit: I just tried some originals, they're screaming fast too.
Max image size allowed is a bad parameter to key on - times change, cameras change, and SmugMug will (IMO) increase that limit to keep up with changing technology and user requirements. I do not work for Smug, but that is just my guess.
Also, with SmugMug you get a whole host of Heros and other volunteers to help you with just about anything (at SmugMug, at Dgrin, or even non-photo-related issues).
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
As said by Malte, Smug's speed is worth its weight in gold
Best site for photos.
Best customer service. I mean really great.
For the home user, having HD video is much more expensive then other sites, with fewer features. E.g. Smugmug charges $90 for HD video and they dont keep your actual file, Vimeo charges $60 and keeps your original file. There are many other examples.
To be fair, Zenfolio had speed issues a while back, but no more.
If we're comparing Smugmug to Zenfolio, you could say that Zenfolio hasn't got video. You could also say that Smugmug's Easy customizer pales in comparison to Zenfolio's equivalent.
That is interesting because here in the UK I have been reviewing clients' Zenfolio sites all week and the downloads have crawled. Perhaps they have set a bias for US downloads that gives you fast transfers.
Because life is short and flickr is so damn sloooooooow.
There are so many great shots on flickr I will never see because the pages take forever to load, and I just get tired of waiting. Want people to look at your shots? Make it easy on them. Don't assume they're going to suffer through slow page loads, and a crappy interface. They probably won't.