Artistic photos

I see a lot of beautiful images here, and I ask myself the same question every time. Do you all have much success in selling your artistic photos? If so where do you sell them?
Fred J Claus
Commercial Photographer
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Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Can you define or provide some examples of "artistic photos" ?
I'm guessing he means Fine Art photography. Not portraits or wedding stuff, but images that you'd hang on the wall to beautify your place. Landscapes, still life, architectural, whether pure or altered.
I'm in the process of turning some of my better images into what I would call "Inspirational" art with bible verses and inspirational quotes on them. I'm just wondering how any of you make a living at this type of work.
Commercial Photographer
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Fred this may surprise you but I sell out wherever I go. I do not have use of right side and only partial use of left hand and I take photos of birds,animals etc. Because I can not operate the settings on a camera,change a lens I do not get the best pure shot so I make sure I am super close and go for color. I do not have any photoshop either so my $25.00 dollar editing programe is it. So my 'work' is considered art they tell me and if you are able to go to large shows which have an art section you may surprise yourself at how well you do.I only went to 2 saturday shows and made well lots[many thousands,to emarrased to say here] Note I did not sell on the poor me handicapp as I was not there to much, and when I was no one even noticed until they wanted something signed. So take a chance and try it you will not know until then.People want all sorts of art for their walls. P.S.- most popular size matted for me was 22x26[3 inch matte] GOOD LUCK
Nikon d700, sb-600 external flash Sigma 50mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM, AF NIKKOR 70-300mm 1:4-5.6 D, AF-S NIKKOR 18-70mm 1:3.5-4.5 G, AF Promaster Macro
Using photography to pay for engineering school is a bad business plan.
Commercial Photographer
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I did one festival where I had framed prints hanging from the walls of my booth, as well as crates of matted prints.
Nikon d700, sb-600 external flash Sigma 50mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM, AF NIKKOR 70-300mm 1:4-5.6 D, AF-S NIKKOR 18-70mm 1:3.5-4.5 G, AF Promaster Macro
Using photography to pay for engineering school is a bad business plan.
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Go look at any stock site, those photos sell for pennies, name your subject...good luck competing with that.