Prayers for Benny
I had the privilege of doing my first studio shots ever with my precious little cousin Benjiman (we call him Benny). Three years ago Benny was diagnosed with 5 different brain disorders and has had to have a bowel transplant, which has failed this past week. His mom wanted me to take his portraits before he had another surgery next week. He is such a trooper. I don't know many 6 year olds who have been through 7 complex surgeries and still have the love for life that he does. I captured this shot during that session, and I thought it summed up his little life. C&C Welcome. And when you pray, please remember Benny.

Newest baby: R.Gonzalez PHOTOGRAPHY or HERE
My rambling addiction: Crunchy Monkeys
facebook fan page: R.Gonzalez photography
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Don't worry. I can fix you in photoshop.
Kids amaze me; their 'zest', 'gusto', courage, resiliency, and their forgiveness.
My prayers his way~
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“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
Really great looking child!
Take the scenic route. Life is too short to do otherwise.