flv Videos not Recognized by Simple Uploader

I tried uploading with old faithful it uploaded and processed fine.
Give us your site name: huntsvillecarscene.smugmug.com
Describe the problem: files with flv extension are rejected by simple uploader
List the steps to replicate and recreate the problem: drag file with flv extension to simple uploader
If any additional information is needed, just ask. :thumb
Give us your site name: huntsvillecarscene.smugmug.com
Describe the problem: files with flv extension are rejected by simple uploader
List the steps to replicate and recreate the problem: drag file with flv extension to simple uploader
If any additional information is needed, just ask. :thumb
Pictures and Videos of the Huntsville Car Scene: www.huntsvillecarscene.com
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Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!
A way around the issue is to rename the file to an accepted file type like avi.
Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!