Winners Of Mini Challenge #90

I came home from work and fired up the "puter"
I thought I'd have a relaxing time, viewing and enjoying the shots from the MC. (Mini Challenge)
After looking through the shots .... for the 4th time, I realize that no matter how many HM's I hand out, it's not enough.
If you folks go back and look through what I post, you'll see that wildlife shots are what I do most,
and what I expected to see more than any other type of shot.
I was thrilled to see the different types of parks entered into the MC.
Enough of that, on with Winners.
After I looked through, and wrote down the shots that pretty much jumped off the page at me, I had 14 shots.
I then took a little slower look, studied them a bit, looking for a few more subtle shots that maybe
don't jump off the page, but have great stories to tie things together. I now had 18 shots.
Of the 18 shots, I keep stopping at 6 of them to study, look around, and just smile at the great photos I'm looking at.
Here is the list of of the 18 (minus the 6 placers)
The first number is the post the photo can be found, the second is the number of the photo in that post.
3 - 2
6 -2
10 - 3
20 - 2
22 - 1
26 - 3
30 - 2
37 - 3
65 - 2
68 - 1
71 - 2
75 - 2
On to the placers.
5th runner up,
Post #67, rainbow

Just a great shot of the local park. People talking, making friends, taking it easy.
4th runner up,
Post #15, OhEddie

Great shot, once again, of people getting together.
3rd runner up,
Post #14, Cuong
[IMG]Ãà -Nẵng/cuongvn20080318IMG0289/310911621_WnDuw-L.jpg[/IMG]
This is a place I want to see. The stone, the light coming through the canopy, the people learning about the past. Thank you for posting this, I never knew it existed.
2nd runner up,
Post #22, Roaddog52

I've been there, I've seen it, but never looking as good as it does in your shot.
The colors jump out at the viewer and don't let you leave til you've studied all the ins and outs of the shot.
1st runner up,
Post #3, nightpixels

I love the colors, the foreground, the background, the lighting, pretty much everything.
I hope you have it printed big and hanging in a room that you like to relax in.
And the Winner is......
Post #59, JerryBarton

Every time I looked through the shots, this one stopped me dead in my tracks.
Not knowing if it's a "shot" or a composite, I'll treat it as one exposure. (if it's a composite, I don't care, it's still great)
The first thing that grabs me is the curved lines interacting with the other curved lines.
The shot screams motion, even though nothing is moving.
The soft light, and post processing is fantastic.
That's it folks.
I'd like to thank everyone that entered, commented, or just viewed the thread.
You folks are the ones that keep these Mini's going.
Jerry, You are now in charge of Mini Challenge #91.
Enjoy it.
I thought I'd have a relaxing time, viewing and enjoying the shots from the MC. (Mini Challenge)
After looking through the shots .... for the 4th time, I realize that no matter how many HM's I hand out, it's not enough.
If you folks go back and look through what I post, you'll see that wildlife shots are what I do most,
and what I expected to see more than any other type of shot.
I was thrilled to see the different types of parks entered into the MC.
Enough of that, on with Winners.
After I looked through, and wrote down the shots that pretty much jumped off the page at me, I had 14 shots.
I then took a little slower look, studied them a bit, looking for a few more subtle shots that maybe
don't jump off the page, but have great stories to tie things together. I now had 18 shots.
Of the 18 shots, I keep stopping at 6 of them to study, look around, and just smile at the great photos I'm looking at.
Here is the list of of the 18 (minus the 6 placers)
The first number is the post the photo can be found, the second is the number of the photo in that post.
3 - 2
6 -2
10 - 3
20 - 2
22 - 1
26 - 3
30 - 2
37 - 3
65 - 2
68 - 1
71 - 2
75 - 2
On to the placers.
5th runner up,
Post #67, rainbow

Just a great shot of the local park. People talking, making friends, taking it easy.
4th runner up,
Post #15, OhEddie

Great shot, once again, of people getting together.
3rd runner up,
Post #14, Cuong
[IMG]Ãà -Nẵng/cuongvn20080318IMG0289/310911621_WnDuw-L.jpg[/IMG]
This is a place I want to see. The stone, the light coming through the canopy, the people learning about the past. Thank you for posting this, I never knew it existed.
2nd runner up,
Post #22, Roaddog52

I've been there, I've seen it, but never looking as good as it does in your shot.
The colors jump out at the viewer and don't let you leave til you've studied all the ins and outs of the shot.
1st runner up,
Post #3, nightpixels

I love the colors, the foreground, the background, the lighting, pretty much everything.
I hope you have it printed big and hanging in a room that you like to relax in.
And the Winner is......
Post #59, JerryBarton

Every time I looked through the shots, this one stopped me dead in my tracks.
Not knowing if it's a "shot" or a composite, I'll treat it as one exposure. (if it's a composite, I don't care, it's still great)
The first thing that grabs me is the curved lines interacting with the other curved lines.
The shot screams motion, even though nothing is moving.
The soft light, and post processing is fantastic.
That's it folks.
I'd like to thank everyone that entered, commented, or just viewed the thread.
You folks are the ones that keep these Mini's going.
Jerry, You are now in charge of Mini Challenge #91.
Enjoy it.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
CONGRATE JERRY! And all the runner ups! What an excellent set of images!
Thanks Dave for considering one of mine in your top 18.
Kudos to all of the placers! Great work!
Well done, Dave, to get the judging finished so quickly. And thanks for the insightful discussion of the process! I'm glad you found one of mine to be in the top 18.
Thanks to all of the entrants! I enjoyed looking at your pictures.
Congratulations to the winner (what a vision!), the runner ups, the honorable mentions, and all the entrants as the entire group of posts were superb. And thank you for acknowledging my shot as a runner up, which was a pleasant surprise as I thought it paled next to so many of the other shots.
P.S. I OD'd on popcorn watching the show.
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
[P.S. It was a single shot]
Oh my, now I have some work to do. Cheers
There were some wonderful images so I am grateful that one of mine made Dave's top 18.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Dave, this was a great theme! I loved seeing all the entries go up. And in this tight competition, I'm very pleased that one of mine was able to catch your eye for an Honorable Mention. Thanks for the nod.
Los Angeles dance photographer
If you get to the beautiful Pacific Northwest of the US, I highly recommend Mount Constitution on Orcas Island. You get to ride the ferry there, a treat in itself, and when you finally get to the top, there is a panoramic view of the Olympics and Cascades from Ranier all the way into Canada.
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Congrats to Jerry--I loved that shot when I first saw it too! Now each time I look I see something else. And kudos to all the finalists and HMs. Another excellent MC completed!
Lauren Blackwell