Call for photos (part 2!)

Alright, so Seymore asked which pictures I had chosen so far... as I mentioned I would make that clear. I believe the total count right now is at 50, so I am still looking for plenty more. The tentative choices (nothing set in stone, there have been a few minor changes already) are:
Let me take a second to enlighten you a little more about what is going on, as I just got permission from the big boss man. :clap
We are working on a new feature relating to mapping. I can't really say more or they will break my arms, but it is really really cool. :thumb So what I am doing is putting together a demo for this by using all your wonderful pictures... so at first glance looking through the gallery you will wonder what the rhyme or reason is. There are some really famous shots, and some not so famous shots. Well, I am looking to get a pretty good spread of photos around the country/world. So we have had tons of awesome Golden Gate Bridge shots, and tons of awesome Yosemite shots... but I only really want one San Fran shot, and only one Yosemite shot. So I pick the one that catches my fancy and go with it.
As we are doing a pretty big overview map, I probably wouldn't pick one from San Francisco and one from Silicon Valley, as on a world map they would look like they are in the same location. So this would explain why some awesome shots aren't appearing here... it has nothing to do with the quality of the shot, it has to do with the location of the shot. :cry
We had initially thought we would focus on North America for the map, but as I keep working on it, I really like the shots from around the world as well. So I know that kerrymcd has some cool Amsterdam shots, I just haven't had a chance to check them out yet and select one (but I do want one!). I also need to see where Ronda, Spain is on the map compared to Segovia and Barcelona which I already have.
I have no France/Italy/Norway/Hungary/Germany/Turkey... etc. I have nothing at all from Asia, Australia, Africa. So if you have those photos and want to participate, that is an easy way.
I am not always picking the most famous spot, I am sometimes picking a shot that "feels" like the area. For instance, there have been a lot of great Dallas skyline shots (which I still yet may use), but I *loved* the longhorn shot from Fort Worth.
Anyways, I really really really appreciate all the help you guys have given us so far, and I will make sure you guys see the map before the rest of the world does.
Let me take a second to enlighten you a little more about what is going on, as I just got permission from the big boss man. :clap
We are working on a new feature relating to mapping. I can't really say more or they will break my arms, but it is really really cool. :thumb So what I am doing is putting together a demo for this by using all your wonderful pictures... so at first glance looking through the gallery you will wonder what the rhyme or reason is. There are some really famous shots, and some not so famous shots. Well, I am looking to get a pretty good spread of photos around the country/world. So we have had tons of awesome Golden Gate Bridge shots, and tons of awesome Yosemite shots... but I only really want one San Fran shot, and only one Yosemite shot. So I pick the one that catches my fancy and go with it.
As we are doing a pretty big overview map, I probably wouldn't pick one from San Francisco and one from Silicon Valley, as on a world map they would look like they are in the same location. So this would explain why some awesome shots aren't appearing here... it has nothing to do with the quality of the shot, it has to do with the location of the shot. :cry
We had initially thought we would focus on North America for the map, but as I keep working on it, I really like the shots from around the world as well. So I know that kerrymcd has some cool Amsterdam shots, I just haven't had a chance to check them out yet and select one (but I do want one!). I also need to see where Ronda, Spain is on the map compared to Segovia and Barcelona which I already have.
I have no France/Italy/Norway/Hungary/Germany/Turkey... etc. I have nothing at all from Asia, Australia, Africa. So if you have those photos and want to participate, that is an easy way.

I am not always picking the most famous spot, I am sometimes picking a shot that "feels" like the area. For instance, there have been a lot of great Dallas skyline shots (which I still yet may use), but I *loved* the longhorn shot from Fort Worth.
Anyways, I really really really appreciate all the help you guys have given us so far, and I will make sure you guys see the map before the rest of the world does.

Smug since 2003
San Fran
Bit of aussie surf culture
Kite surfing in 0z
If any of the other photographers of the photos see me using a low res version and want to send a higher, please do so at
stay tuned
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Here's a shot from my trip to Italy last year:
I have a bunch more from Rome, Piza, Florence, etc from that same vacation, so let me know if you are interested in them. I'll post my budapest shots up later on this evening.
Here's a South Texas shot from the Hill Country:
Langford Photography
- have a look at my Ferropolis - city of steel gallery: former big coal mining site in Germany now turned into a museum and concert location -- more info on the official site
If you find something useful I'll happily send you the originals.
SmugMug Support Hero
:nono :nono
all i can say is that it beats even a frozen cherry ripe on a hot summer day
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Here are three from Córdoba, in Southern Spain:
The large building is the Mezquita, a huge mosque that was converted into a church. You probably have seen pics of the colorful arches inside. If not, here's a sample. Not the best of shots-- my digicam does poorly in low light--but it will give you the idea.
What impressed me most is the incredible detail on the façade of the building. Here's a sample:
Oradour Sur Glane,
I am going to make available, very soon, a gallery, with just the shot you have chosen, for you to go in and get the original of it. That is the highest resolution I can give you. But I cannot e-mail the original from aol, or can I?
Below is a Cannon on Ft Moultrie, dates back to the revolutionary war, tourist attraction, w "steeple from Stella Maris Church" dates back to the mid 1880s, seen from sea. Very important, both of these are. On Sullivan's Island, SC.
The Eiffel Tower:
The Blue Mosque:
Camiguin Island, Philippines. (Mindinao) I have many more Philippine shots under travel, most poor but a few keepers.
North Mindinao island Philippines
Ben I uploaded two views of Buckingham Fountain that may be better than the one you posted. I have allowed originals in the gallery.
The gallery is Buckingham Fountain, Chicago
The two shots I am refering to are these. Click them for the originals.
Or I have more shots of Chicago landmarks here.
Please feel free to use any of the pictures you'd like. I have allowed originals to all galleries.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
I have a few:-)
1000-ft Meteotower, Obninsk, Russia
Art Center, Obninsk, Russia
Boris and Gleb Church, Obninsk, Russia
Village Road, Belousovo, Russia
The Well, Belousovo, Russia
"The White House", Moscow, Russia
Fountain on the Kievskaya Train Station, Moscow, Russia
"MOGES", Moscow Dept Of Energy, Moscow, Russia
Bird Eye View, Moscow, Russia
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
This is in Death Valley. Bad water the lowest point in the USA.
I'm going to Europe at the end of this month and should be back in the first week of September, if it's not too late, I can bring some shots from France and UK.
And here is my Asian (Bangladesh) Gallery:
'you don't take a photograph, you make it.' - Ansel Adams
Ben, feel free to check out my Texas photos.
First gallery:
A sample from there:
Second gallery:
Two samples from there:
A former sports shooter
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I have turned originals on for the galleries those shots are in. You can grab them right from the gallery.
Now that I have an idea what you are doing with them, I thought you might like something from northwest Ohio.
Just a thought
Canyon Lake
Superstition Mountain
Tortilla Flat
Dusk along the Apache Trail (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72