windows live one care - no longer

Anyone have any suggestions for a security system, "windows Live one care" is no longer available I'm thinking of Trend Micro @ 34.95 any pros or cons or others I should see.
thanks randall
thanks randall
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yep...with good need to pay for anti-virus....unless you want to.
Thankfully, I only have to use it on my two remaining Windows computers. Switched primarily to Mac's and you know... der ain't none of dem regilar nasties on macs!
AVG info @
Bodies: Canon- 5D Mark II, 7D, 50D, SD780IS, Sony DSC F828, DSC F717,
Lenses: Canon EF16-35/f2.8L, EF24-105/f4L, EF100-400L, EF 50mm/1.8 II, EF100/2,8L, EF85/1.8 USM, MP-E65/2.8 1-5X, 15mm Fisheye, 70-200/f2.8L II
Lighting: Canon 580EXII, 430EXII, MT-24EX, MR-14EX, Sony Hi Power, YinYan BY-180B Studio Strobes (3), Coco Ring Flash Adapter.
Stability:Manfrotto 055CXPRO3, 322RC2, 498RC2, 454 Macro Slider, 175F-1 Clamps
Video: Canon XHA1, HV-20 (2), HV-30
Security Essentials is what became of Live One Care when Microsoft stopped selling it. It is simple, straight ahead and it works. If you don't need the fancier firewall features of the commercial products, it is the way to go.
1) pay for anything microsoft for security
2) use anything from microsoft for security
From my findings, you really don't have to pay for security to get good security. The free options that will easily compete with most pay-for products are Avast free, Avira free and Microsoft Security Essentials. The reason I have not included AVG is because it has no rootkit prevention. Rootkits are the some of the nastiest of the nasties and for AVG to include no prevention against them is a sin. My two favorite products happen to be Microsoft Security Essentials and Avast Free Edition.
How would you choose between the two? Well it depends on how you like to use your computer. Avast has more protection modules for stuff like mail, P2P programs (peer-to-peer) and also a behavioral guard. If you like to browse the dark side of the web and use P2P applications and mail applications, then you are best off with Avast. If you use web-based email (email that you visit using your browser) and like browsing sites like this, I would go MSE. No matter what you choose, they are both quite effective. Nothing is 100% though and browsing with relative caution is always recommended. Always make sure to download software from trusted sites.
To determine if a site is trustworthy, I recommend WOT (Web of Trust). It is a free browser add-on that will let you know how trustworthy a site is.
If you are concerned about your security and would like an extra degree of security there is a wonderful program called Sandboxie.
This does not act like an antivirus and any browser running within the sandbox will be completely protected. For more info on Sandboxie, read here:
Sandboxie is completely free, although after 30 days it will give you a popup when you run a program sandboxed. No big deal though.